

论文编号:JD984 论文字数:26321,页数:41

摘 要

报警探测器作为传感探测装置,用来探测入侵者的入侵行为及各种异常情况。在各种各样的智能建筑和普通建筑物中需要安全防范的场所很多。这些场所根据实际情况也有各种各样的安全防范目的和要求。本次设计中,采用 PIR传感器对外界进行数据采集,以MSP430单片机为硬件电路的核心,研制移动探测器系统,开发出对周围环境中物体的监测,通过报警显示。



关键词: 传感器;数据采集;移动探测器;MSP430单片机

Design of a Motion Detector Using MSP430


As a detector alarm sensor detection device to detect intruders and various acts of invasion of anomalies. In a wide range of intelligent building and the generalsecurity buildings in need of a lot of places. According to the actual situation of these establishments have a wide range of security objectives and requirements. This, in the design, use of PIR sensors collects the data of out environment, to MSP430 MCU hardware circuits for the core, developed mobile detector system, developed in the objects on the surrounding environment monitoring, through the alarm display. First of all the papers on the development of mobile detector system and the status quo, through the analysis of the sensor system to establish a research and development direction of then introduced the system design requirements, the detector system work environment more complex, so the system should be set up protection . On this basis, described the hardware design and system software design and practical analysis.

This topic has higher cost-effective use of the SCM MSP430 constitute the core of the system, according to the sensor measurement signal, and moving objects on the identification and measurement, and to the outside world to respond.

Keywords:Sensor;Data Collection;Mobile Detetor;MSP430MCU

目 录

引 言1

第1章 绪论2

1.1 移动探测器的系统概述2

1.2 移动探测器的国内外发展状况3

1.3 本课题的研究意义5

1.4 本课题的主要工作内容5

第2章 探测器系统设计的要求及原理6

2.1 系统设计要求6

2.2 系统的功能6

2.3 设计原理6

2.4 A/D转换8

2.5 比较器8

第3章 系统硬件设计10

3.1 元器件的选择10

3.1.1 传感器的选择10

3.1.2 MSP430的选择12

3.2 系统硬件设计13

3.2.1 信号的采样14

3.2.2 传感器信号的采集及A/D转换15

3.2.3 看门狗硬件电路16

3.2.4 复位电路设计17

3.3 低功耗系统的设计18

第4章 系统的软件设计20

4.1 主程序20

4.2 定时器中断程序22

4.3 软件的低功耗设计22

致 谢26


附录A 系统原理图28

附录B 一篇引用的外文文献及其译文29

附录C 主要参考文献的题录及摘要33

附录D 主要源程序36
