


摘 要





Housing electrical design is an important part of housing design, it have some influence on the beauty of residential building, achieving the use of functions of residential buildings, protecting life and property of residents, lower housing costs and so on.

With the rapid development of the national economy and people‘s improving living standards, there has been intelligent building. Intelligent Building in line with people’s living environment, access to information, entertainment, education and other requirements, so in the 21st century can be developed rapidly. In recent years the rapid development of the real estate industry, a growing emphasis of residential environment is comfortable, enhancing safety building, it emerged the intelligent building, electrical technology and modern buildings is the Intelligent Building of the Bao Zhang.

The design is a high-rise residential design, including power supply and distribution system design, lighting design, fire alarm and fire control linkage system, lightning protection and grounding. In the main corridor and the elevator should be equipped with emergency lighting and evacuation signage in order to accidents and timely evacuation of the population.

Keywords:residential, electric, intelligent

目 录


1 绪论 1

2 供配电系统设计 2

2.1 配电的设计要求及负荷分级 2

2.2 低压配电系统线路的选择 3

2.3 低压配电系统电气设备的选择 6

2.4 负荷计算的方法 7

2.5 本工程的负荷计算 9

3 照明系统设计 11

3.1 照明方式和种类 11

3.2 光源和灯具 12

3.3 插座的选择和布置 12

4 火灾自动报警系统设计 14

4.1 火灾自动报警系统概述 14

4.2 消防联动控制 15

4.3 本工程设计说明 17

5 防雷与接地系统设计 19

5.1 防雷的分类和措施 19

5.2 建筑物防雷装置 21

5.3 年雷击次数计算 22

5.4 常见的几种接地型式 23

6 总结 26

致谢 27
