


摘 要

本次论文主要分析的吸尘器的工作原理和检验过程,吸尘器能除尘,主要在于它的“头部”装有一个电动抽风机。抽风机的转轴上有风叶轮,通电后,抽风机会以每秒500圈的转速产生极强的吸力和压力,在吸力和压力的作用下,空气高速排出,而风机前端吸尘部分的空气不断地补充风机中的空气,致使吸尘器内部产生瞬时真空,和外界大气压形成负压差,在此压差的作用下,吸入含灰尘的空气。灰尘等杂物依次通过地毯或地板刷、长接管、弯管、软管、软管接头进入滤尘袋,灰尘等杂物滞留在滤尘袋内,空气经过滤片净化后,由机体尾部排出。吸尘器产品依据国家标准GB4706.7—1999《家用和类似用途电器的安全 真空吸尘器和吸水式清洁器的特殊要求》和通用标准GB4706.1—1998《家用和类似用途电器的安全通用要求》进行安全项目检验,适用范围是额定电压不超过250V的家用和类似用途的真空吸尘器和吸水式清洁器。



This thesis mainly analyzed the working principle of vacuum cleaners and inspection processing, the vacuum cleaner to dust, mainly in its "head" with an electric exhaust fan. Exhaust fan impeller shaft of the wind, power, the exhaust fan will lap speed of 500 per second produced a very strong suction and pressure, the suction and pressure, the air speed discharge, while cleaning the front part of the air blower continuously supplement the fan in the air, causing instantaneous vacuum cleaner internally generated, and the formation of the external atmospheric pressure difference of the negative pressure in this role, the inhalation of dust containing air. Dust and other debris followed by carpet or floor brush, long over, elbows, hose, hose connector into the Dust bags, dust and other debris stuck in the Dust bags, air purified by the filter from the body from the rear. Vacuum cleaner according to the national standard GB4706.7-1999 "Household and similar electrical appliances vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning appliances for special requirements," and common standards GB4706.1-1998 "Household and similar electrical appliances general requirements" for safety project inspection, the scope is the rated voltage not exceeding 250V for household and similar purposes vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning appliances.

Keyword:Vacuum cleaner、 Electric motor、Theory、Inspect

目 录



1 绪 论1

1.1 选题的背景与意义1

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势1

1.3 研究内容3

2 吸尘器的基本构成和功能特点4

2.1 吸尘器的种类4

2.2 吸尘器的型式和基本结构5

2.3 吸尘器的质量标准8

2.3.1 安全要求8

2.3.2 性能要求8

2.3.3 外观要求8

2.4 本章小结9

3 吸尘器的设计原理10

3.1 吸尘器的内部电路设计10

3.2 工作原理11

3.2.1 电动机的转动原理11

3.2.2 吸入原理13

3.3 本章小结13

4 吸尘器的检验14

4.1 检验标准14

4.2 检测实施15

4.2.1 载流软管的机械强度15

4.2.2 软线耐磨损16

4.2.3 电源软线耐弯曲18

4.3 性能检测19

4.3.1 地毯吸尘能力测验19

4.3.2 吸尘器的发热试验21

4.4 本章小结23

5 总结24

致 谢25

