

字数:30296.页数:85 论文编号:TX096

摘 要


该系统使用ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET和ADO.NET技术开发, 实现了网站的动态管理,使得对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率,具有一般电子商务系统的功能。




From theory and practice, both in terms of e-commerce for an in-depth discussion. The paper first comprehensive and systematic study of building an e-commerce website essential knowledge and technical means, Construction went from a e-commerce applications -- online shopping start, the first of the feasibility analysis Then the system design, system design objectives and the overall structure of the detailed planning, On the basis of these general theory of knowledge and the development of technology used in the system implementation process, completed the online shopping platform build process.

The system uses ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET and ADO.NET technology development and the website’s dynamic management, to make information management more timely, efficient, and improve the work efficiency, general e-commerce system.

The thesis writing process, for the sake of theory and practice, the theory of e-commerce to elaborate at the same time support system from the practical applications and operating skills, illustration, to achieve a deeper level of e-business understanding and awareness.

Keywords: Electronic Commerce, application system, technique of security, payment online, Active Server Pages dot net, SQL Server

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引 言 1

1开发技术简介与工具介绍 2

1.1 开发技术简介 2

1.2 开发工具介绍 2

1.2.1 ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET介绍 2

1.2.2 数据库 3

2 构建电子商务网站的相关知识 4

2.1 电子商务基础知识 4

2.2 电子商务网站网上支付技术简介 4

2.2.1 电子货币 5

2.2.2 电子支付 5

2.2.3 电子支付安全协议 5

2.3数据库访问技术 6

2.3.1 公共接口(CGI 6

2.3.2 .Net方式 7

3 总体规划与设计 8

3.1系统设计思想 8

3.2系统整体结构及说明 9

3.2.1 网上购物子系统 9

3.2.2 论坛子系统 10

4 系统的开发与实现 12

4.1 开发环境 12

4.1.1硬件环境 12

4.1.2软件环境 13

4.2 系统总体方案的设计与实施 16

4.2.1需求分析 16

4.2.2系统结构设计 24

4.2.3 系统数据库设计 29

4.2.4界面设计 41

4.3 主要功能模块设计与实现 44

4.3.1 商城子系统设计与实现 44

4.3.2 论坛子系统设计与实现 51

4.3.3 安全设计 62

4.4密钥生成文件Key.c 62

4.4.1 加密功能 63

4.4.2 解密功能 65

5 系统测试 68

5.1 主要模块测试 68

5.1.1网上商城子系统测试 68

5.1.2论坛子系统测试 74

5.2 测试结论 77

结 论 78

致 谢 79

参考文献 80
