

字数:19632.页数:38 论文编号:TX116

摘 要

经过几十年的发展,Internet上的资源逐渐丰富起来,资源的流向趋于集中化,网络应用多以集中化方式提供服务, P2P技术不同于基于Server的集中化应用技术,它是基于P2P拓扑结构发展起来的一项新型网络通讯技术,P2P就是一种用于不同PC用户之间,不经过中继设备直接交换数据或服务的技术,它允许Internet用户直接使用对方的文件。每个人可以直接连接到其他用户的计算机,并进行文件的交换,而不需要连接到服务器上再进行浏览与下载。因为消除了中间环节,P2P技术使得网络上的沟通变得更容易、更直接。本题目是设计实现“在局域网中实现两台机子之间的通信,包括消息和语音的实时发送和接收,文件的传输等”,我在老师的指导下,通过阅读相关的参考资料,从基本线程开始然后是编调度线程,设计界面,增加要求的功能。经过反复的编程与调试,程序基本上实现了Peer-to-Peer的模式,实现了基本的功能。

关键词:p2p; 分布式计算; 实时传输; java socket; 输入输出流


With the development of the Internet in past 40 years, the resources were richer and richer, while the flow of the resources went to centralize. Most of the services were supplied by the implication of the network in a central way. P2P technology is different from the central implication technology which was on the base of server, it was a new network communication technology which was developed on the base of P2P topology. P2P is a kind of technology used between different pc users which changes data or services directly rather than connecting to the server. It allows the users in the Internet to use the file of others directly. Everyone on line can connect to each other and change their files. Because of the lack of the middle medium, p2p technology made the communication on line more easily and more directly. My project is "the communication of two PCs in LAN, including the sent and receive of the message and translation of the file". With the guidance of my teacher, I have completed this project basically. I design the interface firstly; and then programmed the manage thread; finally, after the debug, the project was completed in p2p model, and have met the requirement of the functions.

Key words:P2P; Distributed Computing; Real time Translating; Java Socket; I/O Stream;

目 录

引言 1

1 P2P技术的详细介绍 2

1.1 P2P技术的概念 2

1.2 P2P技术的应用前景 2

1.3 P2P技术发展中的问题 5

2 语言以及开发工具 6

2.1 Java 的特点 6

2.2 Java的应用简介 9

2.3 Borland JBuilder 系列工具简介 9

2.4 Java 运行环境配置 10

3 系统设计 11

3.1系统分析 11

3.1.1实现目标 11

3.1.2可行性分析 11

3.1.3需求分析 13

3.1.4 前期准备 14

3.1.5 初步规划 14

3.2 实现过程 14

3.2.1系统概述 14

3.2.2程序模块以及解释 15

3.2.3调试分析 30

3.2.4 程序使用手册 31

4.结论 32

谢 辞 33

参考文献 34
