


摘 要

网络安全是二十一世纪现代网络技术的发展方向。本网站是基于JSP的实用型的网络安全学习网站,主要是针对安全维护。它可以方便用户就网络安全的相关问题进行在线学习,其中包含了业界新闻、数据库与WEB安全、安全工具、密码技术、入侵检测、防火墙技术、安全论坛、网站后台管理等主要模块。本网站使用了Macromedia DreamweaverMX、PostgreSQL、photoshop7.0等软件以及JSP技术进行开发,由JSP结合PostgreSQL构建数据库。其中,安全论坛的建立为用户之间进行直接沟通提供了方便。在功能上,实现了文章和软件的查询,文件上传以及下载等,有助于浏览者在较短的时间内找到需要的信息。而且,管理员可以通过本网站发布网络安全相关的信息,比如系统安全信息,入侵检测信息,防火墙技术信息,业界新闻信息等的发布等等。本网站紧贴用户需求,界面美观,操作简易,是信息化管理的完美体现。本文首先阐述了开发网络安全专题学习网站的必要性、背景和意义,接着对本网站的系统要求,用到的关键技术和其他相关技术知识进行了介绍。然后重点介绍了需求分析和系统结构设计,包括系统的需求分析、功能描述、技术要点及系统数据库的设计等内容。除此以外,对本网站的创新点进行了详细的描述,后对系统实现的不足之处进行了分析。



Web safety is the developing direction of modern network technology in the 21st century. It is an applicative web based on JSP and mainly concerned with web safeguard studying. This web can help user communicate with each other online in terms of some questions about web safeguard. It mainly includes some main modules such as hot news, database and web safety, safeguard tools, password technology, invading test, safeguard discussion field, back platform management and so on. This web has been designed by using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, PostgreSQL, Fireworks MX, Photoshop7.0 and JSP technology. Mainly key technology is combining PostgreSQL database to JSP. Among them, safeguard discussion field is designed in the form of chatting room online, and it is convenient for people to communicate with each other directly. This web has finished these functions such as search, file uploading, files downloading on screen which can help browsers to find the needed information as quickly as possible. Moreover, people can have the authority to release different kinds of commercial information on the website after registering. For example, system safeguard, invading test, safeguard technology information or other information release. This system has also set up the authority, divided into ordinary user and administrator. Only the administrator has the right to revise the database. The user’s needs are stuck closely on this network. It is simple and easy to operate and it is beautiful for the whole output. It is the perfect embodiment of information-based management. This network, make the train of the enterprises more convenient, more high-efficient. At the beginning, this paper describes the necessity, background and importance of developing this network safeguard studying web. Later, it gives an introduction of the system requirement, key technology and some knowledge of developing skill. Then, it pays much attention to the system application analysis, function description, key skills, system database design, etc. In addition, the creation of the network is also attached much importance to here. At last, it points to the shortage of the system as well.

Key words:Web safeguard;JSP;PostgreSQL database;Dreamweaver

目 录

引言 1

1概述 1

1.1 问题描述 1

1.1.1网络安全的发展趋势 2

1.1.2网络安全主要涉及的领域 3

1.1.3建立网络安全学习网站的必要性 3

1.1.4背景及意义 4

1.2 系统要求 7

1.3 关键技术 7

1.3.1设计关键技术 7

1.3.2实现关键技术 7

1.3.3辅助关键技术 8

1.3.4方案论证 8

1.4 相关知识介绍 8

1.4.1 JSP介绍 9

1.4.2 PostgreSQL简介 11

1.4.3网页设计工具Dreamweaver MX、Fireworks MX 12

1.5 本文的结构思想及主要工作 13

2需求分析 13

2.1 整体功能描述 13

2.2 具体功能描述 14

2.2.1业界新闻模块 14

2.2.2系统安全模块 14

2.2.3数据库与WEB安全模块 14

2.2.4安全工具模块 15

2.2.5解决方案模块 15

2.2.6入侵检测模块 15

2.2.7新手学堂模块 15

2.2.8病毒防治模块 15

2.2.9品牌推荐模块 16

2.2.10安全论坛模块 16

2.2.11后台管理模块 18

2.2.12搜索模块 20

2.3 技术要点 20

2.3.1 JSP配置环境的安装 20

2.3.2 SQL的基本语法 22

2.3.3 JSP的基本语法 24

3 系统设计 25

3.1 系统结构 25

3.1.1系统结构图 25

3.1.2论坛模块结构图 26

3.1.3后台管理模块图 27

3.2 数据库设计 27

3.2.1管理员登录表的设计 27

3.2.2文章上传信息表的设计 27

3.2.3软件上传信息表的设计 29

3.2.4文件上传表的设计 30

3.2.5论坛发贴表的设计 30

4 系统实现 31

4.1 系统功能界面 31

5 系统测试 32

5.1 系统测试报告 32

5.2 系统分析 33

5.3 不足 33

6 结论 33

谢辞 35

参考文献 36
