

论文编号:WL231 论文字数:26849,页数:37

摘 要






With the development of the economy and the globalization of competition, manufacturing enterprises in our country are facing more and more fierce competition. Workshop layout has a significant influence on material flow, information flow, production capacity, production cost and safety of production system. It can save the cost of material handling, shorten production cycle, accelerate production process and circulation of working capital.

As further accelerate the pace of global economic integration,Increasing competition worldwide, multi-species, multi-processes and the small volumes that have become the main production characteristics of modern manufacturing,Therefore requires that manufacturing processes can make reasonable arrangements,Efficient use of resources, reduce construction period, lower costs. These are required to complete internal model of the production logistics reasonable choice, effective management of the workshop, so that manufacturers can smooth flow of materials.

This first mode of production logistics industry to analyze the situation, clearly manufacturing problems in logistics management.. Second, the process to manipulate the production process and material flow characteristics of the study, introduced some basic concepts of production logistics, and analyzes the characteristics of different types of Manufacturing Enterprise. Then, for many varieties of small batch, line, project workshops and other discrete mode of production, production logistics system to study the structure and characteristics .Finally, Herman Miller (Ningbo) Furniture Co.Ltd, the specific circumstances of practice. Analysis of their production logistics model to study the advantages and disadvantages of the logistics model, and then with the iron and steel production and logistics were compared, and their respective models to improve production logistics, to provide theoretical and practical for improvement of production efficiency .

KEYWORDS:Manufacturing,Production Logistics, ERP,System Layout Plan(SLP)


第一章 绪论1

第一节 课题研究的背景及意义1

第二节 课题研究内容4

第二章 企业生产物流研究6

第一节 系统布置设计理论6

第二节 ERP实施及其企业的应用9

第三节 企业生产物流管理模式研究12

第三章 企业生产物流管理模式与优化14

第一节 企业生产物流管理基础14

第二节 企业生产物流的内部平衡16

第三节 生产物流模式的优化18

第四章 不同企业生产模式及其优化的案例分析23

第一节 赫曼米勒(宁波)家具有限公司概况23

第二节 赫曼米勒公司和钢铁企业的生产特征和要求24

第三节 不同企业之间所存在的不同问题以及相应的解决对策27

第五章 结论31


