



摘 要

目 的 观察强化护理干预措施用于食管贲门癌术后肺部感染的预防作用。

方 法 选择2011年1月至2011年7月皖南医学院弋矶山医院胸外科收治的食管贲门癌患者60例,依照肺部感染的相关因素:年龄、吸烟史、第1秒用力呼气量/量大肺活量(FEV1/FVC)、术中手术时间、营养状况、喉返神经损伤、术后患者有无自控硬膜外镇痛,将具有相同肺部感染因素的患者随机分为实验组(强化护理干预组)和对照组(一般护理组),每组各30例。对照组患者按护理常规进行护理;实验组给患者在心理护理、营养支持、呼吸道的准备及管理、术后管道的管理、功能锻炼方面制定相应的护理措施并按时完成。观察相同感染高危因素下两组肺部感染发生率。

结 果 与对照组比较,实验组患者肺部感染发生率明显降低。

结 论 强化护理干预措施可有效预防食管贲门癌术后肺部感染的发生。

关 键 词 强化护理干预;食管贲门癌;肺部感染


Title: The effects of intensive nursing intervention on Postoperative Pneumonia in Esophageal and Cardiac Carcinoma Patients


Objective: To study the prevention effect of intensive nursing intervention on Postoperative Pneumonia in Esophageal and Cardiac Carcinoma Patients.

Methods: From January 2001 to July 2001, a clinical study was conducted on consecutive patients with Esophageal and Cardiac Carcinoma in department of Thoracic Surgery. The patients were divided into test group (intensive nursing intervention group) and control group (routine nursing group)according to the same risk factors:age,smoking history, one second forced expiratory volume / volume large vital capacity,operative surgical time,nutritional status,recurrent laryngeal nerve injury,postoperative epidural analgesia. Observed the incidence of Poseoperative Pneumonia.

Results: A significant decreasing of the incidence of Poseoperative Pneumonia was observed, compared with that in the control group .

Conclusion: The intensive nursing intervention can effectively decrease the incidence of poseoperative pneumonia in esophageal and cardiac carcinoma patients.

Key words Intensive nursing intervention;Esophageal and Cardiac Carcinoma;Postoperative Pneumonia

TYPE OF THESIS: Applied Research

目 录

1 绪论1

1.1 背景及意义1

1.2 研究目的和目标2

1.3 关键词及定义4

1.4 文献回顾4

2 研究设计5

2.1 研究设计5

2.2 研究对象5

2.3 研究方法5

2.3.1 分组5

2.3.2 干预措施5

2.3.3 观察指标5

2.4 研究步骤5

2.5 统计分析5

3 研究结果7

3.1 一般情况比较7


4 讨论9

5 推论及建议11

5.1 推论11

5.2 建议11

致 谢17


附 录23
