

论文编号:WHCY021 论文字数:12408,页数:15 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述




ABSTRACT: The core proposition of this paper is about the marketing of the cartoon industry market and the core view is that the marketing is the most important point of this industry. The development of the cartoon industry depends on the success of the promotion. By analysising the way to promote makes us know better about the aquirment of the market and we know much more about how to promote. By the analysisment of promoting we do in China and the experiences in the USA, Japan and Korea, we find the differences among their marketing strategies and make suggestions to our motherland. Integrate traditional promoting ways, strength all parts in the chain and develop new ways. Increase the developing speed of cartoon industry and then increase the developing of our country’s creative industry, Providing power and vitality to develop new city, to promote innovation to the actual conversion efficiency. Articles in the cartoon industry of the basic concepts of marketing, marketing status of understanding, a comprehensive study of marketing strategy and marketing in China cartoon industry in areas such as a serious research on China’s movies and television animation industry, the development of marketing prospect. We find that the marketing of cartoon will be a important part in Chinese cartoon industry’ development.

Keywords: animation, marketing, market strategy

目 录


一、 中国动画片营销推广的几种模式2





二、 美、日、韩动画片推广模式4

(一) 美国动画片推广模式4

(二) 日本动画片推广模式5

(三) 韩国动画片推广模式6

三、 借鉴意义7

(一) 整合传统模式,结合媒介优势7

(二) 注重“品牌效益”推广7

(三) 加强动画与漫画产业互动整合8

(四) 加强动画卡通形象与动画片的整合推广8


四、 结论9

致 谢10

