

论文编号:DZXX185 论文字数:19490,页数:35






Indoor distribution system conducts the signal from base station inside the room to solve the blind covering indoors. It can solve the problems of the extending well and covering of the signal, and improve the quality of communication indoors. The system allot the signal into different rooms and channels scientifically in order that the signal can not affect each other. It is the complementary and extending of base station and Micro-cellular, and can not replaced by the base station and the repeater. It is the essential part of mobile communication in every big city.

The project is my job, when I work in Neracom. The main content of the project is based on the discipline of designing 3G indoor distribution system, choosing the right coverage approache to to meet the demand of the distributing of huge building and important zone. There are three approaches: distributed antenna system, leakage cable systems and hybrid option. It is mainly composed by three parts: signal source, the distribution system, coverage units.

Keywords: Mobile Communication, Cellular Communication, Indoor Distribution System.




第1章 引言1

1.1 背景1

1.2 研究内容1

第2章 室内分布覆盖系统3

2.1 室内分布覆盖系统概述3

2.1.1 室内分布覆盖系统的定义3

2.1.2 室内分布覆盖的实际功效3

2.2 室内分布覆盖系统的分类4

第3章 室内信号分布系统设计5

3.1 设计依据5

3.2 设计原则6

3.3 系统分析6

3.3.1 室内话务量的估算6

3.3.2 室内外信号泄漏分析7

3.4 与其他系统共用室内分布系统8

3. 4.1 覆盖和容量的统筹考虑9

3. 4.2 分布系统器件的选择9

第4章 信源设计与实现11

4.1 室分信源设计分类11

4.2 各种信源的覆盖方案12

4.2.1 宏蜂窝基站加定向天线12

4.2.2 微蜂窝加室内信号分布13

4.2.3 射频拉远基站采用室内/室外混合覆盖13

4.2.4 直放站加室内信号分布13

4.3 室分信号源选择14

第5章 覆盖方案设计与实现16

5.1 VISIOD.EXE性能原理分析16

5.2 室内覆盖链路预算17

5.3 VISIOD.EXE方案设计18

5.4 方案验证19

第6章 工程案例21

6.1 工程勘测21

6.2 方案设计22

6.3 工程施工23

6.3.1 机房的设置23

6.3.2 器件的运用23

6.3.3 馈线的布放24

6.3.4 天线的安装25

6.4 站点开通26

6.4.1 微蜂窝开通26

6.4.2 直放站开通26

6.5 工程验收27

6.5.1 有源设备的功率测试27

6.5.2 驻波比测试27

6.5.3 平层功率的测试28

6.5.4 重发天线覆盖电平测试28

第7章 结束语29


