

论文编号:DZXX240 论文字数:12388,页数:48




关键词:单片机, 计时计分系统, 数码管显示


At present, with the rapid development of the MCU applications,the embedded systems as the core of microcontroller have been widely used in various fields. Based on SCM in timing measurement and control, I design a kind of basketball game timing and scoring system controlled by AT89S51.

This paper mainly describes the use of MCU timing and scoring system, from the beginning of the designing of software, hardware, discussed both proceed to the design, testing and other aspects. During the basketball games, in order to speed up the game’s rhythm, beside of the countdown of total time, it also needs attacker should be in the act of shooting in 24 seconds. Otherwise will be seen as violations. The basketball game Timing & Scoring can record the time of both the cumulative time and the possession of each team. This system is effective and practical , using button to operate, and eight digital to display. The function of button is in line with the requirements of the basketball games, including 24 seconds of attack time, the total time display, the score display of both teams. In addition the score and time can be modified.

Keywords: MCU , Timing &Scoring, LED Display.

目 录



第1章 引言1

1.1 背景1

1.2 设计的意义2

1.3 研究内容2

1.3.1 研究的基本内容2

1.3.2 需解决的主要问题2

第2章 系统总体方案及器件介绍4

2.1 系统方案设计4

2.2 器件选择4

2.2.1 单片机AT89S51简介5

2.2.2 主要特性和封装形式5

2.3 74LS154芯片简介6

2.4 数码管的工作原理7

第3章 硬件电路设计9


3.2 硬件总体设计9



3.5 复位电路13

3.6 振荡电路模块14

3.7 报警电路14

3.8 系统电源电路15

第4章 软件编程及调试17

4.1 编程设置及总流程框图17

4.2 主要模块说明17

4.2.1 初始化程序17


4.2.3 12分倒计时模块19

4.2.4 键盘扫描程序20

4.3 软件仿真调试22

4.3.1 实验平台22

4.3.2 实验步骤23

4.4 硬件调试25

4.5 注意事项25

第5章 结束语27

致 谢28


附录I 源代码30

附录II 实物图45
