

论文编号:DZXX292 论文字数:13085,页数:36







Thesis focus on design and development process of conventional ECG output formatting and completed the demand analysis procedures and the overall structure of the design of conventional ECG output formatting. Design and achieve the prototype system development and testing Based on the .net platform.

Thesis from demand analysis to the overall structure design, achieve of modules and test at last in the software development process, focusing on the conventional ECG output formatting procedures as well. The text about core modules of image processing design and development process have detailed analysis and discuss and the final program for setting parameters also has a simple introduce. Based on the ECG output formatting as a practical case, discuss the basic design patterns and procedures of the design and development of programs.

Finally, the thesis discusses the application of information systems in hospitals and digital process of far-reaching significance and prospects, and the design of this comprehensive and detailed summary.

Keywords: ECG, DLL, Object-Oriented, Model-View-Controller, Interpolation

目 录



第1章 绪论1

1.1 引言1

1.2 相关技术1

1.2.1 面向对象程序设计方法2

1.2.2 D L L技术3

1.2.3 X M L 技术4

1.3 设计任务5

第2章 系统需求6

2.1 引言6

2.2 用户需求6

2.3 功能需求7

2.4 可行性分析8

2.4.1 系统开发技术8

2.4.2 资源利用8

2.5 系统配置9

2.6 系统综合要求9

2.7 本章小结10

第3章 系统构建11

3.1 引言11

3.2 概要设计11

3.2.1 系统介绍11

3.2.2 系统流程图11

3.2.3 需求模块划分12

3.2.4 数据输入流图13

3.2.5 参数设置流图14

3.2.6 输出流图15

3.3 详细设计16

3.3.1 主要类图16

3.3.2 MVC模式17

3.3.3 静态指针18

3.4 编写代码18

3.5 上层程序19

3.6 构建综述21

3.7 本章小结21

第4章 图像处理22

4.1 引言22

4.2 图像预处理22

4.2.1 图像处理流程图23

4.2.2 平滑滤波算法23

4.3 图像输出处理24

4.3.1 插值公式25

4.3.2 插值优化27

4.3.3 实例对比28

4.4 本章小结29

第5章 总 结30

致 谢31

