


摘 要


关键词: 磁悬浮,气隙测量,PIC单片机,系统设计


The paper studies on measurements of air-gap magnetic suspension system suspension system installation. Measurement of suspended air-gap magnetic suspension system installed in the entire system plays a part in measurements, display and feedback。 The design takes the control of single-chip core PIC16F877A as the test board,and with the function of keyboard,the test board converse the three input signals to the measure of the suspension of air-gap,the controlled voltage and the controlled current,which realize the processing and storage of the sampling data,only to display the measured data through the RT-12864-10 LCD,and the RS232 port can also send the data to the PC. The characteristics of this design is having made a low-cost,high-precision measurement system by taking PIC single-chip as the core,which settle a foundation of a more in-depth application of the magnetic levitation technology in the coming days.

Keywords: magnetic levitation,air-gap measure,single-chip computer,system design

目 录

摘 要I

1 前 言1

1.1 磁悬浮技术的应用现状与发展1

1.2 磁悬浮原理与悬浮气隙测量2

1.3 本文所做的主要工作3

2 PIC16F877A单片机简介4

2.1 PIC16F877A的性能特点4

2.2 外围功能模块特性5

2.3 外部引脚说明6

2.4 存储器概述8

2.4.1 程序存储器8

2.4.2 数据存储器9

2.5 PIC16F877A单片机的中断10

2.5.1 中断源的分类10

2.5.2 中断的使能方式11

2.6 A/D转换11

3 外围硬件功能模块及软件介绍13

3.1 液晶屏RT16842-10介绍13

3.1.1 RT-12864-10液晶显示屏的主要技术参数13

3.1.2 内置T6963C 的引脚说明及其功能14

3.1.3 T6963C 指令集17

3.1.4 内藏 T6963C 控制器的液晶显示器的外特性21

3.2 AT24C02芯片简介21

3.3 MAX232芯片简介22

3.4 软件集成开发环境MAPLAB简介23

3.4.1 MPLAB MCD2的驱动安装23

3.4.2 工程项目的建立26

4 悬浮气隙测量系统硬件设计28

4.1 复位及时钟电路设计28

4.2 AT24C02读写电路设计29

4.3 液晶显示单元电路设计30

4.4 键盘电路设计31

4.5 RS-232串口电路设计31

5 悬浮气隙测量系统软件设计34

5.1 主程序34

5.2 液晶显示函数38

5.3 键盘扫描函数39

5.4 AT24C02读写函数40

5.5 RS232通讯函数41

5.6 A/D转换和标度转化函数42

6 悬浮气隙测量系统软硬件调试44

6.1 测量系统硬件调试44

6.1.1 脱机调试44

6.1.2 仿真调试44

6.2 测量系统软件调试45

7 总结46



附录A 悬浮气隙测量系统原理图49

附录B 悬浮气隙测量系统源程序50
