

11. How to Make the Ideas of a Long Thesis Easier for the Reader to Grasp? (如何使一篇篇幅较长的论文便于读者理解?)If your thesis is a long one, you may want to write about how your paper is organized. This can help your reader to follow your ideas.(如果你的论文比较长,在引言之后接下来一段,你可以介绍你论文的结构,便于读者理解你的观点。)

12. What are the elements for the body paragraphs? (正文段落的有哪些要素?)Body paragraphs have these four elements: a transition, a topic sentence, evidence and a brief wrap-up sentence. At the beginning of your developing paragraphs, make sure you have transitory words, phrases or paragraphs to have each part connected logically together. You’d better begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and several other sentences of instances to support it, and the last sentence to wrap up for a conclusion while transitioning to the next paragraph.(每一个自然段开始,要注意用过渡段的连接词,词组或句子,把每一部分串联成一个符合逻辑的整体。每一段开始用一个中心句,接下来用列子证明,句与句之间要有表示逻辑关系的词,词组,最后用一句话概括整段大意,并与下一段自然过渡。)

13. How to quote in the text? (如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period. The author’s/authors’ name/s go before the page number with no comma in between. i.e. “A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts that she’s afraid of herself sometimes” (Hawthorne 431). If you go on to quote the same work, put the page number in a bracket only. i.e. “She’s a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night I’ll cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven”(432). 文中引用文献的标注在引用部分后面,句号前面,作者姓空格页码,中间没有逗号),如果同一页引用同一作品,则只标页码。

14. Use block quote when quotations are longer than four-typed lines. Block quotations begin on a new line, are double-spaced and indented one-inch from the margin. Do not use quotation marks. The citation information (the author’s name and the page number) follow. (如果被引用的部分超过三行,则引用整段。整段引用另起一行,双倍行距,自页边空白整体缩进一英寸(2.54厘米),不用引号,末尾添加引用来源(作者姓空格页码)。

15. If you delete words from the original quote, insert an ellipsis, three periods with a space before and after each one.(如果你去掉引文中的一些单词,用省略号(三个前后有空格的小圆点)。

16. If a source has more than three authors, use the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” i.e. (Barker et al. 23) (如果文献作者是三位以上,文中引用只用第一位作者的姓,后面是空格加“et al." 再空格加页码)

17.Citation from a website:

A. If the website has no page number,you simply use the author's surname after the period.i.e.

B. If you cite an indirect source, words quoted in another source. ie.(qtd.in author's surname).

C. Source with an unknown author is cited by a shortened title.(The first word of the title with a quotation mark:i.e. "Automatically")

17. Conclusion wrap up what you have discussed in your paper. Because it is B-level, the first paragraph is not indented. (结尾部分总结论文中讨论的话题。因它是B级标题,第一段不缩进。)

18. How to Use Endnotes? (如何使用尾注?) Use endnotes to explain something that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the paragraph. Avoid lengthy discussion in the endnote. Endnote begins on a new page after the paper but before the Work/s Cited page. Double space all entries and indent each entry 0.5 inch from the margin.(如果有和本段不相吻合,可以用尾注加以详细解释。尾注要简洁,避免冗长的讨论。尾注在正文后另起一页,置于文献引用页之前,用双行距,左对齐,页边距是半英寸,即1.75厘米。

19. . How to format the Work/s Cited page ?(引用作品格式)

The Work/s Cited page is a list of all the sources you cited in your paper. It includes books, journals, magazines, online resources, films, CD-Rom, interview,classroom notes, blog, e-mail, diaries, etc.(“引用作品”页是在你论文最后列出你文中引用的信息的来源, 包括书籍,期刊,报刊,网络,电影,光盘,访谈,课堂笔记,博客,电子邮件,日记等)

The Works Cited page begins on a new page. Center the title Works Cited without underlining, bolding, italicizing it. If there is only one entry, write Work Cited.引用作品页置于尾注页之后,另起一页。将Works Cited 的标题居中,不加下划线,不加斜体。如果只引用一项,则用单数“Work Cited."