

例49 “辐射”的动词、名词和形容词分别是:radiate, radiation (不可数名词) 和 radiative (radiative

process, radiative efficiency,但是注意radiating source 的意思是“发出辐射的源” (看到的辐射来自

于这个源),而radiative source (不常使用) 的意思是“源是会辐射的”(但是看到的辐射倒不一定来

自于这个源));emission (可数名词) 的意思是“发射” (动词是emit,没有形容词,所以只能使用

名词或者动名词作为形容词,如emission process (不使用emitting process),emitting source 和

emission source 都是正确的(发射源));irradiation (不可数名词) 的意思是“照射”,导致的主要结

果是“辐射”会进入到被照射的对象;illumination (不可数名词) 的意思是“照亮”,导致的主要结


例50 “复杂”的动词、名词和形容词分别是:complicate, complication 和complicated (与complex、

sophisticated 大致同义,但是3 个词的含义略有不同:complicated 或者complication 是指比较

乱、多个因素同时并交互起作用;complex 是指规模比较大,但是并不乱;sophisticated 指逻辑关系比较复杂)。

例51 constrain (动词) 和constraint (名词), relative 和relatively 等。下面一段话中有很多错误:

“Compared (改为comparing) to the joint constraints with GRBs and without GRBs, we can find the

contribution of GRBs to the joint cosmological constrains (改为constraints), although the

contribution of GRBs to the cosmological constraint (改为constraints) would be not enough

significant to that of SNe Ia now (改为not be significant enough, compared to that of SNe Ia at

present). This is mainly caused by the relative (改为relatively) large statistical scatters of (改为

scattering in) the GRB relations and the relative (改为relatively) small data (改为number) of

GRBs (此处添加in the sample,) comparing (改为compared) to that of SNe Ia now (改为

currently).”上面的“enough significant”还可以改为“sufficiently significant”。

例52 base 和basing,based 容易误用。

[1] Base (改为Basing) on these data, we can calculate the mass of the black hole.

[2] Base (改为Based) on these data, the mass of the black hole can be calculated.


例53 “the anti-correlation shows larger scattering”中scattering 改为scatter。

例54 拟合“fit”。错误的例句:

[1] The fit result agrees with the model prediction well.

[2] The fits are shown in Figure 1.


[3] The fitting result agrees with the model prediction well.

[4] The fittings are shown in Figure 1.

185 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 2010 年

[5] We fit the data with the model.

[6] We have fitted the data with the model.

[7] We have fit the data with the model.

[8] The data are fitted with the model.

不建议使用“The data are fit with the model.”原因是“fit”的形容词的意思是“合适、健康”等,比如

“This old man is very fit.”这个老人很健康(特指行动敏捷),反义词是“unfit”。

例55 “double”是形容词和动词,“twice”是名词。下面是正确的例句:

[1] They discovered a double neutron star system.

[2] The double neutron stars in the systems have been observed many times.

[3] This observation program has doubled the number of neutron stars known so far.

[4] He concluded that QPOs at both the NS spin frequency and twice of it should be

detected during long (super) burst events for 4U 1636-53.


1.12 形似词

例56 “photo”是“照片”,“photon”是“光子”,大部分学生不能区分这两个英文单词


例57 注意“assess”(评估、估计) 和“access”(访问、靠近、接近、取得) 的区别。

例58 complement (ary, arity) (补充), compensate (补偿), compliment(ary) (赞扬)。

例59 applying 不是appling (很多学生在加“ing”的时候都把“y”去掉),同样的例

子有:studying, flying, accompanying。加“ed”的时候才是需要把“y”换成“i”:applied,

studied, flied, accompanied。

1.13 动词的过去时和过去分词

例60 区分show 的过去时(showed) 和过去分词(shown)。