

例61 accompanied 和 accompanying:“the fall-back matter after the accompanied (改为

accompanying) supernova explosion forms an accretion disk around the black hole.”

1.14 词组搭配

例62 “spherically symmetric”和“spherical symmetry”是正确的。“spherical symmetric”和“spherically


例63 “detail description”,“in details”是错误的,正确的是“detailed description”,“in detail”。

例64 “Unlike in the case with the uniformity of the universe, no apparent violation of this law is

known.”改为“Unlike the case of ... ”

例65 “NELGs are intermediate Seyfert galaxies whose broad line regions are lightly (应改为slightly)


186 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 2010 年

例66 关于“take into account”的正确例子:

[1] We will take the force into account.

[2] We will take into account the force.

[3] We will take account of the force.

而“We will take into account of the force.”是错误的。

例67 “These observations have made the studies of the formation processes of stars, planets, galaxies

and quasars possible.”需要修改为

“These observations have made possible the studies of the formation processes of stars, planets,

galaxies and quasars.”(请注意“possible”的位置)。

例68 “These black holes have masses between 105 — 1010

solar masses”修改为“These black holes

have masses between 105 and 1010

solar masses”。

例69 “Tremendous observational evidence supporting the existence of black holes in the universe is

gradually permitting the uncovering (应改为uncovering of) the mysteries of black holes.”

例70 “The left panel in (应改为of) Figure 9 shows a theoretical calculation of... ”

例71 “However this possibility, if true, may have fundamental impacts to the evolution and fate of the

universe, as I will discuss in the end of this chapter.”修改为

“However, this possibility, if true, may have fundamental impacts regarding the evolution and fate of

the universe, as I will discuss at the end of this chapter.”

1.15 及物动词、不及物动词和情态动词的用法

例72 “cannot”是美国式用法,“can not”是英国式用法。

例73 “We also referred (应改为referred to) Figure 3 and Figure 4 in the text.”

例74 “However, in science direct evidence is not always what leads (应改为leads to) the discovery of


例75 may, maybe, may be。如:

[1] (a) This maybe the reason. 应该修改为:

[1] (b) This may be the reason. 或者

[1] (c) Maybe this is the reason.

[2] (a) He agreed that this burst may totally from the external shock. 修改为:

[2] (b) He agreed that this burst may come totally from the external shock. 或者

[2] (c) He agreed that this burst may originate totally from the external shock. 或者

[2] (d) He agreed that this burst may be totally from the external shock.

但[2] (b) 中 may 如果换成 maybe 则是错误的。

1.16 连词

187 中国科学院上海天文台年刊 2010 年

例76 “So”作为句子的开头太频繁,可以适当使用“Therefore”, “Hence”,“Consequently”, “Thus”,

“As a result”等。因此应该避免使用“So”作为句子的开头。

例77 “And”, “But”作为句子的开头太频繁,尽量不用“And”, “But”作为句子的开头,可以适当使


1.17 用词不简洁或不够准确

例78 “The two scenarios are almost equally well to represent the high-z LGRB rate excess.”可以修

改为“The two scenarios almost equally well represent the high-z LGRB rate excess.”

例79 It is found that although this case can well reproduce the observed logN—log P distribution,

but much over produces (改为significantly over-produces) the observed GRBs at z ~ 2 and lack to

produce (改为under-produces) GRBs at z > 3.

例80 “Despite of (改为Despite) tremendous progress in black hole research, many fundamental

questions concerning (改为characteristics of) astrophysical black holes in the physical universe

remain not fully understood or clarified.”

2 标点符号

例81 方程是句子的一部分,前后(主要是方程后面) 都必须有标点符号。