


摘 要



关键词:AT89C51; 自动寻迹; 金属探测; 超声波测障


Smart electric car is an integrated system that includes environmental awareness, planning decision-making, driving automatically and so on. It intensively uses the computer, sensing, information, communication, navigation, automatic control technology and artificial intelligence. It is a typical high-tech complex.

This design adopts AT89C51 single chip computer of MCS-51 series. The core of the control circuit of AT89C51 to SCM adopts the modular structure design.The different detection circuits are composed of photoelectric sensor, metal detection sensors, ultrasonic sensors and so on. In the track, the intelligence car can automatically track orbit、detect the metal plates embedded、evade obstacles、measure mileage and so on. Using photoelectric sensor automatically track, it can make the car to walk along the black line. Using ultrasonic sensors, it can detect obstacles on the road. It can use the metals detection sensors to detect metal and record time by the LCD1602. At last, the car smoothly stops through the final guidance of light source.

Keywords: AT89C51 single chip microcomputer; automatically track orbit; detect the metal plates; ultrasonic barrier measurement

目 录

摘 要I


1 绪论1

1.1 引言1

1.2 课题来源1

1.3 国内外现状2

2 方案设计与论证3

2.1 总体方案论证与比较3

2.2 探测轨迹模块4

2.3 检测金属铁片模块5

2.4 避障模块5

2.5 寻找光源模块6

2.6 显示模块6

2.7 测量里程模块7

2.8 电动机驱动模块7

3 硬件电路设计9

3.1 AT89C51单片机硬件结构9

3.2 探测轨迹电路14

3.3 检测金属片电路15

3.4 检测障碍物电路16

3.5 检测光源电路20

3.6 显示电路21

3.7 测量里程电路22

3.8 电动机驱动电路23

4 软件设计25

4.1 程序设计25

4.2 主程序设计25

4.3 探测金属程序设计30

4.4 测量里程程序设计31

4.5 躲避障碍物子程序设计32

4.6 部分模块仿真34

5 结束语40



