




关键词:化工 过程控制 DCS 温度 流量


In chemical production, in order to correctly guide the production operations to ensure production safety and product quality and achieve process automation, an indispensable work is accurate and timely checking out the production process in all relevant parameters. This article is mainly about the process control design on the Tacsifun project based on the relevant national norms and standards and the provided relevant professional design information. The main content of design includes the following five sections. Firstly, identify the controlled variable (temperature, flow, level, pressure, etc.) and manipulate variables based on process requirements. Secondly, select the appropriate instruments to measure the accused variables, choosing manipulated variable reasonable to ensure that the accused variable index. Thirdly, select the executive body by the production of technical features. Fourthly, select the controller and the control law and determine the control parameters depending on the control objectives and the characteristics. Fifthly, design the section control to automatically control, implementation of its operations, high level alarm and interlock and control requirements in DCS system by the requirements,. This article is mainly charged by the identified variables to select the appropriate detection instruments and actuator, and gives all the detection principle and the principle of selection in all the selected instruments.

Key Words: Chemical industry Process control DCS Temperature Flow




第一章 绪论- 1 -

1.1 检测的重要性- 1 -

1.2 过程检测控制的发展及现状- 1 -

第二章 系统概述- 3 -

2.1 工程概述- 3 -

2.2 设计概述- 6 -

第三章 检测仪表- 7 -

3.1 流量检测- 7 -

3.1.1 工作原理- 8 -

3.1.2 转换器的构成与功能实现- 9 -

3.1.3 电磁流量计选用原则- 10 -

3.2 温度检测- 11 -

3.2.1 热电阻测温原理- 12 -

3.2.2 热电阻测温系统组成- 13 -

3.2.3 温度计的选用原则- 14 -

第四章 控制装置- 17 -

4.1 执行器- 17 -

4.1.1 气动薄膜控制阀- 18 -

4.1.2 阀门定位器- 20 -

4.1.3 气动调节阀的选择- 21 -

4.1.4 应用实例- 22 -

4.2 控制器- 23 -

4.2.1 概述- 23 -

4.2.2 控制规律及选用- 23 -

第五章 调试与故障处理- 25 -

5.1 流量计的调试- 25 -

5.2 热电阻调试- 25 -

5.3 调节阀调试- 25 -

第六章 总结- 27 -

致谢- 28 -

参考文献- 29 -
