

字数:20430.页数:62 论文编号:TX100

摘 要

本文对J2ME和它在消费类电子产品以及嵌入式设备领域中的发展及体系结构进行了适当的介绍,介绍了它的框架层和配置层,总结出了MIDP应用程序开发的基本流程和方法,深入讨论了MIDlet这种算是MIDP中基本执行单元的应用程序,以及开发工具的选择及其比较。我的这次毕业设计,选择了JbuilderX这个典型的Java IDE工具进行开发,结合JBuilder MobileSet 2.0所提供的强大MIDP开发功能,来进行一个手机电话本的开发。在移动设备上保存一个电话本,需要保存的信息有联系人姓名及其电话号码,可以对电话本进行维护,包括新添联系人,删除联系人,联系人等,以及查看当前的时钟日历。通过这次毕业设计,提高了对J2ME的了解和认识,并且熟知了在移动设备上存储数据的永久存储机制----记录管理系统(RMS,Record Management System),这个简单的面向记录的数据库模型。

关键词:J2ME;CLDC;MIDP; 记录管理系统


This paper is for J2ME with it in consumer kind of electronic product as well as the development in embedded equipment field and architecture have carried out proper introduction,and introduct it’s Configuration and profile .Summary has made the basic process of MIDP application program development and method, the option of as well as development tool and its comparison. My this graduated design, have selected the Java IDE tool of this Jbuilder typical case to carry out development, combine JBuilder MobileSet, the 2.0 powerful MIDP development functions that offer carry out a telephone of mobile telephone the development of book.On mobile equipment,to save the PhoneBook, must store the information of the friend name and his phone number,may carry out maintenance for telephone,include , add friends recently, deletes friends, modification friends,and sort friends by name,sort by id, find by name ,find by id, and look over the present clock calendar. Through this graduated design, have make more understanding for J2ME, And have known well , on wireless equipment, save data ,and mechanism permanently-- RMS,Record Management System, The simple database model faces to the record .

Key words: J2ME;CLDC;MIDP; RMS,Record Management System;

目 录

引言 1

1 基础知识 3

1. 1 J2ME概述 3

1. 2 J2ME的体系结构 4

1. 3 详细谈谈J2ME配置层 6

1.4 谈谈J2ME框架层 9

2 搭建J2ME的开发平台 11

2.2 JBuilder MobileSet的特征 13

2.3 配置JDK 14

2.4 MIDP项目 14

3 持久数据和记录管理系统 16

3.1 记录管理系统RMS 16

3.2 javax.microedition.rms程序包 17

4 时钟日期管理 19

4.1 传统的J2SE中时间的实现 19

4.2 Calendar类 20

4.3用DateField类来实现对时间日期的调用 21

5 J2ME 中的事件处理和用户界面设计 22

5.1 事件处理 22

5.2 设计用户界面 23

6 深入了解MIDlet 25

6.1 MIDlet简介 25

6.2 MIDlet的生命周期 26

6.3 MIDlet中的方法 27

6.4 MIDlet套件(suite) 28

7 手机电话本的实现 29

8结论 32

谢 辞 33

参考文献 34

附 录 35
