

字数:12859.页数:28 论文编号:TX126


摘 要



The Study on Fairness Algorithm of Resilient Packet Ring(RPR)


Resilient Packet Ring(RPR) is a new network structure and data transport technology in the modern metropolitan area networks. And the RPR fair algorithm is the guarantee of effective usage of the bandwidth resources. The focus of the paper is the research which goes deep into the RPR fair algorithm. The goal of the RPR fair algorithm and the principle of RIAS fairness are expounded in the paper in the first place. Then, several representative algorithms for the RPR networks are thoroughly analyzed, including Gandalf, Alladin and DVSR. The running mechanisms of each scheme are analyzed respectively and the performance comparisons are made among them. Based on the previous investigation, one new RPR fair algorithm named DBFA which can achieve the requirement of the RPR protocol is analyzed, and the basic idea and operating mechanism of this algorithm is also given in the paper. Finally, the verification of some related algorithms in the VC++6.0 environment is presented, and the conclusion of the whole paper is given.

Key words: Resilient Packet Ring;Fairness Algorithm;Fair Rate;RIAS Fairness;Spatial Reuse

目 录

1 引 言 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 本课题研究的意义 1

1.3 本课题研究的方法 1

2 相关基础理论 1

2.1 弹性分组环之技术简介 1

2.2 弹性分组环网之基本特征 2

2.3 弹性分组环网中节点的体系结构 3

2.4 弹性分组环中的通用帧结构 4

2.5 弹性分组环协议之参考模型 4

3 弹性分组环中的公平算法 5

3.1 RPR公平算法的目标要求 5

3.2 RIAS公平原则 5

3.3现有的RPR公平算法 6

3.3.1 RPR公平算法的分类 6

3.3.2几种具有代表性的RPR公平算法 7

3.3.3几种公平算法的比较 10

4 一种新的RPR公平算法(DBFA) 11

4.1方案描述 11

4.2算法描述与分析 13

5 VC++6.0环境下验证几种算法 15

5.1 Gandalf算法的验证 15

5.2 DVSR算法的验证 16

5.3 DBFA算法的验证 17

结 论 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20

附 录 22
