

论文编号:TY001 论文字数:7688.页数:15,有开题报告,任务书,答辩PPT,记录表

摘 要




Due to the continuous development of information technology, the continuous improvement of living standards, the current high school students, their interests more and more widely, but it ignores the importance of physical exercise. In addition, the heavy pressure of study, most students feel tired dirty, physical education, physical education is not in love with will always find an excuse not PE! Physical exercise to improve physical fitness and secondary school students not only moral, intellectual, physical comprehensive an important means of development, but also the implementation of life-long sports high school students lay a solid foundation for an important means. School sports is the basis of life-long sports, sports interests and habits is to promote student self-learning and life-long physical training a prerequisite for students to discover and cultivate interest in sports is very important. High school students do not like the physical reasons of its own is not only students, but also the impact of external factors, there are school factors, family factors, social environment, the impact of three factors. In this paper, aKaiyuan sports in high school students interested in an analysis, respectively, from the student’s own factors, school factors, family factors, as well as the social environment factors analyzed several aspects of a Kaiyuan high school students interested in the reasons for the lack of sports, in order to explore and improve the Kaiyuan a lack of physical education in high school students interested in the status quo for reference.

Key words:High school students;Sports interest;Reasons;Status quo

目 录

第一章 前言1页

第二章 研究对象与方法2页

2.1 研究对象2页

2.2 研究方法2页

第三章 A中学高中生体育兴趣的分析3页

3.1 A中学概况3页


3.3 A中学高中生缺乏体育兴趣的原因3页


  3.3.2 A中学高中生不喜欢上体育课的原因4页

第四章 影响A中学高中生体育兴趣的因素6页

4.1 学校因素6页

4.1.1 学校教学观念的影响6页

4.1.2 体育教学内容安排的影响6页

4.1.3 体育课教学组织形式的影响6页

4.1.4 体育老师教学方法的影响7页

4.2 社会环境因素7页

4.3 家庭环境因素7页

第五章 结论与建议9页

5.1 结论9页

5.2 建议9页


