

论文编号:TY004 论文字数:7671.页数:17,有开题报告,任务书,答辩PPT,记录表





He after school sports is the student the sports which carries on in after school, is school sports important constituent [1].Since the traditional school sports thought influence, my school sports education is always taken in the student class the sports teaching, neglected actually has paid special attention to the broad time and the spatial after school sports which the student had.While “lifelong physical culture” ideological trend unceasingly thorough, my school sports education must raise the university student lifelong physical culture consciousness and the custom takes the highest goal.Therefore this fresh target set the new request to my school sports teaching, however only depends on 90 minute sports teaching radically to be unable to achieve the new goal once a week.Therefore, must take my school in the school non-sports specialized university student’s after school sports organization and the management.Whether the university student aware participation after school exercise, has to the student physical and moral integrity development the vital significance.The after school physical training is sports teaching extending with the supplement, is the student grasps the movement method independently, forms the good movement habit, promotes the physical and moral integrity the effective way; Also will be the student steps onto the operating post for the future, will carry on the lifelong physical culture exercise the foundation.Some conclusions could be reached, which are concluding the number of them, to some extent, is less; and being short of sports equipments; and shortage of technical guidance, through questionnaire investigation for students who are not parts of physical college and take part in extracurricular sports exercise in Hong he University. The main factor which influences them is that they are very busy for study. So, instructors should change teaching ideas, and enhance sports guidance, specially, in extracurricular time. What’s more, person in change should build more athletic fields, and improve sports equipments.

Key words: sports exercises; students in University; extracurricular time

目 录

引言 1页

第一章问题的提出 2页

第二章研究对象与方法 3页

2.1研究对象 3页

2.2研究方法 3页

第三章课余体育锻炼对提高我校在校非体育专业大学生体能和健康水平的作用 4页

3.1通过课余体育锻炼活动可以有效地增强学生的体能 4页


第四章结果与分析 6页

4.1我校在校非体育专业大学生的体育健康观 6页

4.2我校在校非体育专业大学生参与课余体育活动的现状调查 6页

4.2.1我校在校非体育专业大学生体育人口数量 6页

4.2.2我校在校非体育专业大学生参加体育活动的动机调查 7页

4.2.3我校在校非体育专业大学生课余体育锻炼项目的调查 7页

4.2.4我校在校非体育专业大学生课余体育锻炼形式调查 8页

  4.2.5我校在校非体育专业大学生课余体育锻炼场所的选择 9页

4.3影响我校在校非体育专业大学生参与课余体育锻炼的因素 9页

第五章结论与建议 10页

参考文献 11页

附录 12页

致谢 14页
