

论文编号:QH004 论文字数:20277,页数:77 附CAD图

年产1万吨装饰原纸工厂设计--重点: 压榨、干燥部及完成整理部工艺设计




The design of papermaking mill producing 10000 tons of decorative paper ever year

Focus: the pressing, drying and complete section

Abstract: This paper is mainly to design the decorative raw paper of plant with 10,000 tons of annual output, focusing on pressing, drying and complete the finishing sections. The main contents including feasibility analysis, technology process design and calculation, equipment selection and layout, and the design for additional auxiliary facilities.

First, according to the relevant reference,it is performed analysis to determine the background and feasibility for the design based on some practical data from decorative raw paper companies, combined with the properties of decorative base paper on the design. Subsequently it is obtained the amount of the raw paper and the consume of gas, electric and water by calculated as the technology process designed. Meanwhile, it is necessary to intend for the appropriate equipment and make a reasonable arrangement in the workshop. Finally, it is significant to arrange the auxiliary facilities (such as water supply and drainage, thermal power, waste treatment, green plant, labor safety, etc.) and environmental protection (make waste water, waste gas and other waste full recycled).

Keywords:papermaking; decorative paper; pressing; drying; reeling;

目 录




1 绪 论1

1.1 设计背景1

1.2 市场需求预测1

1.3 可行性分析1

1.4 设计范围及指导思想4

1.4.1 设计范围4

1.4.2 设计指导思想4

2 工艺6

2.1 技术指标6

2.2 工艺流程9

2.2.1 工艺……………………………………………………………………….9

2.2.2 主要流程………………………………………………………………...10

2.2.3 设计重点……………………...…………………………………………13

2.3 工艺条件及工艺参数选择……………………………………………….….15

2.4 浆水平衡计算17

2.4.1 计算…………………………...…………………………………………17

2.4.2 浆水平衡表……………………………………………………...………28

2.5 原材料、蒸汽及水的单位耗用量………………………………….……….30

2.5.1 原材料的单位耗用量30

2.5.2 蒸汽的单位耗用量30

2.5.3 技术经济指标31

2.5.4 清水单位耗量32

2.6 主要工艺设备的选型计算及说明32

2.6.1 造纸机32

2.6.2 设备说明34

2.6.3 浆池的选择34

2.6.4 其他设备35

3 工程总体设计36

3.1 厂址选择36

3.1.1 厂址选择的基本原则36

3.1.2 厂址的选择36

3.2 原料及能源供应37

3.3 全厂总平面图的介绍与分析37

3.3.1 厂区总平面布置的基本原则37

3.3.2 总平面布置…………………………………………………………...…39

3.3.3 厂内外运输……………………………………………………………...40

3.4 车间设备布置………………………………………………………………..40

4 其他工程设计42

4.1 辅助生产工程设计…………………………………………………………..42

4.2 公用工程设计42

4.3 环境保护46

4.4 劳动安全卫生49

4.5 人员编制…………………………………………………………………….51

5 设计总结54

致 谢55

