

论文编号:GP002论文字数:15983,页数:52 附开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译,CAD图

摘 要



Ten million tons of sewage treatment plant design


With the development of the city,together with the porgress of the industry,invironment,espedially the water,is being under suriously polluted.So this design is main to do a research on every kind of urban sewage processing craft,compared with these crafts by technology and economy,and try to find a suitdble sewage process for the Hulan town in Harbin, and do a design of sewage treatment plan for the city. The total design water volume is 100000m3/d,the main body craft is A2/O craft.The A2/O craft has a simple flow, a stable movement and a nice sludge settling property ,as long as a good denitrogenation eliminates the phosphorus effect,it’s really suitable for big scale Sewage treatment plant.This design is mostly to do a calculation for various constructions of the waterway and sludgeway,and select equipments,then integrate blueprints.

Keywords:A2/O craft;Pump room; Sewage treatment;Sludge treatment

目 录

摘 要I

目 录III

1 绪论1

1.1 选题的背景与意义1

1.1.1 本次设计的背景1

1.1.2 本次设计的意义1

1.2 设计依据和设计内容2

1.2.1 设计依据2

1.2.2 设计内容及范围2

2 处理工艺的确定3

2.1 污水处理工艺方案比较3

2.1.1 传统活性污泥法3

2.1.2 A2/O法4

2.2 工艺的确定5

3 污水处理工艺设计计算6

3.1 污水处理构筑物设计计算6

3.1.1 泵前中格栅6

3.1.2 污水提升泵站8

3.1.3 泵后细格栅11

3.1.4 平流沉砂池14

3.1.5 A2/O工艺15

3.1.6 二沉池26

3.1.7 接触消毒池与加氯间34

3.2 污泥处理构筑物设计计算36

3.2.1 污泥泵房设计36

3.2.2 污泥浓缩池37

3.2.3 贮泥池39

3.2.4 污泥脱水40

4 污水处理厂总体布置42

4.1 总平面布置42

4.1.1 总平面布置原则42

4.1.2 总平面布置结果43

4.2 高程布置43

4.2.1 高程布置原则44

4.2.2 水头损失计算44

4.2.3 水头损失计算46

致 谢47

