

论文编号:FZ002 论文字数:8013.页数:20

摘 要:内衣比外衣更贴近人的肌肤。它对人体的呵护最为重要。然而,现代内衣突破了呵护本身,逐步演绎成雕塑和装饰人体美的艺术品,并以其独特的方式诠释着历史、社会、心理等多方面的文化内涵。它集人体解剖知识、材料性能、立体造型、人体工学和美学等多种学科为一体,逐渐发展成为服装学科领域中一颗闪烁的明星,吸引着人们的细心关注。随着高新科技的发展及其在纺织服装行业中的应用,人们从纤维性能、织物结构、款式、版型、缝制工艺、后整理技术以及服用功能设计等方面对内衣进行不断的改进,逐渐提升了内衣的总体质量和市场竞争力,而且形成了内涵丰富的内衣文化,使内衣市场逐步走向了成熟。可就是在这种趋势下人们往往就把重点看向了材料性能款式等等高科技的衍生物,而忽略了根本,任何高科技产品如果不适合自身,那就只能造成负面的影响而失去了其价值,内衣也一样,如果选不到适合自身的内衣或者不能正确的穿戴内衣,那只会影响自身的健康!




The impact of the knowledge of underwear to the purchasing decisions of underwear of female

Abstract:Underwear closer than the cloak to the skin. It‘s the most important care to human. However,modern underwear breakthrough in the care of their own, and gradually interpretation into the United States and sculpture and decorative works of art of the human body, and by its unique way to interpret the historical,social,psychological,and many other cultural connotation. It sets human anatomy knowledge, material properties, three-dimensional modeling,ergonomics and aesthetics,and other disciplines as one,and gradually developed into a flashing star in the areas of clothing, to attract people’s attention. With the development of high technology and its textile and garment industry in the application,people continue to improve underwear from the fiber performance, fabric structure, style, type version, sewing techniques, finishing techniques and use functional design.And gradually upgrade the overall quality and market competitiveness of the underwear,and formed a culture has rich connotations of underwear,and let the underwear market gradually matured. But in this trend is often put people to look at the key properties of high-tech models, and so on the derivatives and ignore the fundamental, if any high-tech products not suitable for people own,it only have a negative impact and lost Its value,the same to the underwear.If the election less than suitable for their own underwear or not wearing the right underwear, they would only affect their own health!

Therefore,this paper do the details on the knowledge of underwear, and through a variety of research knowledge level of awareness of female, study the consumption behavior of female. The results will be used up in practice,hope to play a role in the reference to the underwear manufacturers.

Key words: the knowledge of underwear, Consumption,impact

目 录

摘 要


引 言 ……………………………………………………………………………1

一.内衣市场部分 …………………………………………………………2

(一). 市场背景及调查 ……………………………………………………2

(二). 市场趋势分析 …………………………………………………………2

二.内衣知识阐述部分 ………………………………………………………3

(一). 本文所述的内衣知识的定位 ……………………………………………3

(二). 内衣知识的详细阐述 ……………………………………………………3

三.内衣消费者调查 …………………………………………………………10

(一).前期市场调查 ……………………………………………………………10

(二).内衣知识普及程度的调查 ……………………………………………11

(三).内衣知识对消费者购买决策影响的跟踪调查 …………………………14

四.调查分析 …………………………………………………………………16

五.对内衣销售的建议 ………………………………………………………17

