



摘 要


方法:从产科门诊选择出能定期进行产前检查、资料完整的中、晚期孕妇610例,采用膳食调查、体格检查及实验室检查等方法,分别记录孕妇孕中、晚期连续72小时的膳食种类、数量及新生儿体重,建立随访档案。根据新生儿出生体重,将孕妇分为正常新生儿体重组(NBW2500-3999g)、低新生儿体重组(LBW, NBW<2500g)和巨大儿组(LBG, NBW,4 000g)。对三组孕妇摄入的能量及膳食营养素水平进行分析和比较、对新生儿体重与孕妇膳食营养素摄入量进行直线相关分析,讨论新生儿体重与孕妇膳食营养素摄入种类与数量之间的关系。

结果:对三孕妇组膳食能量及各营养素与新生儿体重作直线相关分析,显示新生儿体重与每日膳食总能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素B,、维生素BZ、维生素C、维生素E, VPP、Mg, Cu, Ca, Zn摄入量正相关。

结论:新生儿体重与孕中、晚期孕妇平均每日摄取的能量及蛋白质、脂肪、 VitA,VitBZ, VitC, Mg, Ca量显示正相关。正常新生儿体重组孕妇平均每人每日摄入的总能量为2200kcal,与Chinese DIRs(中国儿童饮食标准)接近。孕中、晚期每日膳食营养素的摄入量低于或高于Chinese DIRs,对新生儿体重都会产生不利的影响。

关键词 孕妇;营养;新生儿体重


Title: Relationship between Healthy Pregnant Woman‘s Nutrition and Newborn birth weight


Objective The purposes of this article are to analyze the quantity, variety andstructure of the pregnant woman’s nutrition knowing the relation between her newborn weights and to enhance the guidance to the pregnant woman‘s alimentation preventing large birth weight- giant infants(LBG) and low birth weight infants(LBW).

Methods Adopting detailed table registration, questionnaire, physical examinations and laboratory tests, 305 cases of pregnant women with complete pre-birth periodical examination were chosen to set tracking archives respectively recording the quantity and variety of the food that each pregnant woman had eaten within the 72 hours respectively in the metaphase and later phase of her pregnancy. The babies was divided into 3 groups according to their weights. Among them there were LBG with 4 OOOg ,normal-weight babies with 2 500-3 999g and LBW with less 25OOg. Analyzing the nutrition and newborn birth weights in the way of liner analysis, it showed that NBW were positive correlated with the amount of the calories, protein, fat,carbohydrate, VitB}, VitB2, VitC, VitE, VPP, Mg, Cu, Ca and Zn which the pregnant women had took in every day.

Results Analyzing the nutrition and newborn birth weights in the way of liner analysis, it showed that NBW were positive correlated with the amount of the calories, protein, fat,carbohydrate, VitB, VitB2, VitC, VitE, VPP, Mg, Cu, Ca and Zn which the pregnant women had took in every day.

Conclusion NBW were positive correlated with the amout of the calories, protein,fat, VitA, VitB2, VitC, Mg, Ca which pregnant women had took in every day from the food .Comparing with the Chinese DRIB, it was suitable for each of the normal-weight baby’mother to take in 2200 kcal every day.Too much or less nutrition would be harmful to their babies’ weight.

KEY WORDS pregnant woman;nutrition;newborn birth weight

Type of thesis: supplied research

目 录

1.前 言1





2.方 法4





3.结 果5

3.1 孕期三组膳食中的能量来源构成比5

3.2 孕期能量及营养素与新生儿体重的相关性5

3.2.1 孕中期能量及营养素摄入量与新生儿体重的相关性5

3.2.2 孕晚期能量及营养素摄入量与新生儿体重的相关性5

4.讨 论7

4.1 孕妇的营养状况分析7

4.2 孕期能量及营养素与新生儿体重的相关性分析8


致 谢10

