

论文字数:21716,页数:55 开题报告,任务书,

摘 要




关键词:交通信号 单个交叉口 定时信号配时 干线协调控制 协调系统时差


Urban road traffic congestion is now the world universal matter of concern, it brings the severely impair affects day by day people’s daily life and the social economy development. The four corners took the municipal transportation the main nodal point, produces the traffic congestion important link, carries on the reasonable analysis and the control to its transportation class, is alleviates the traffic congestion important method and the way, also is studies the municipal transportation question an essential breakthrough point. The city skeleton line path takes in the city system the important constituent, its unobstructed or not direct influence entire city territory transportation network whether steady, safe movement.Therefore this article take this as a starting point, has developed to the urban road traffic signal control research, has with emphasis studied the city neighboring road intersection coordinated optimization control method.

This article in view of at present municipal transportation question present situation, first analyzed and discussed the traffic signal control elementary theory and the single road intersection signal timing plan; next, has studied the skeleton line neighboring road intersection traffic signal linkage control elementary theory and the timing plan, has with emphasis studied the city neighboring road intersection traffic signal coordinated optimization control, has analyzed the existing single road intersection signal control transportation present situation, to its insufficiency, has given the single road intersection best channelization plan, and take makes the vehicles the total delay to reduce and to enhance the system the transportation benefit as the goal, through neighboring signal coordination control method, has established take the phase difference as the optimized control variable tendency coordination control system.And has given the neighboring road intersection coordination control system belt fast.Finally, has carried on the contrast analysis after the original single road intersection signal control and the channelization plan, had proven this article proposes the method the validity and the feasibility.

This article uses the English webster method to carry on the channelization to the single road intersection, also has used the analytic method computation coordination control system signal time difference, solved the neighboring road intersection through the belt fast, formed the whole world to pass the green wave band between the bridge neighboring road intersection.Although has only realized the small scope green wave control, but in the article the plan superiority original plan compares quite obviously. Therefore, this article proposed the method has solves the urban road coordination control and the municipal transportation crowded question potential.

Key words: Traffic signal Single road intersection Timing signal timing Skeleton line coordination control Coordinated

目 录





第二章 城市交通信号控制的基本理论..........................................4

2.1 交通信号灯................................................................4

2.2 交通信号灯的类别.........................................................5

2.3 单个交叉口交通信号控制....................................................7

2.3.1 定时信号................................................................7

2.3.2 交叉口信号控制的交通效益指标........................................10

2.3.3 定时信号配时的基本方法..............................................10

2.4 干线相邻交叉口交通信号联动控制...........................................21

2.4.1 干线协调信号控制系统的基本参数..........................................21

2.4.2 定时式线控制系统的协调方式..........................................22

2.4.3 定时式线控系统的配时设计方法........................................23

第三章 全球通大桥两端交叉口协调控制系统的设计.............................26

3.1 全球通大桥南路口信号设计..................................................26

3.2 全球通大桥北路口信号设计..................................................35

3.3 全球通大桥相邻交叉口协调控制系统的信号设计................................43

第四章 控制系统效果分析......................................................48

4.1 新旧方案的比较分析........................................................48

第五章 总结..................................................................51

5.1 论文总结..................................................................51

5.2 今后工作的展望.........................................................51


