

论文字数:14534,页数:40 开题报告,任务书,

摘 要






In the management of public transportation systems, bus drivers’ attendance is very necessary and important work. Ganzhou ’s bus driver attendance management system is using the traditional manual Daka-attendance system which have much shortcomings which caused a lot inconveniences to the public transportation system management, so it’s need to develop a new performance appraisal system to replace the original attendance system for the better management of public TAC system. Radio frequency cards is a relatively new technology which is developing in recent years. RF performance appraisal system is a high-technology, and is also a type of management system. It has a differentiated technology with radio frequency cards, which is the main computer system as the core. RF performance appraisal system can work alone, but also to the company’s local area network linking work together. RF attendance’s the most important advantage is simple, safe, large capacity, powerful, and so on. Therefore, the paper design a bus driver radio frequency card attendance system. This article first introduced performance appraisal system status, system requirements and technical parameters of its overall structure, communication protocol, and so on. Then, there are a detailed analysis of the use of radio frequency cards to create a performance appraisal system the general principles of the selected components and hardware design steps, including IC card and the card processor. This paper will also introduce software system components, software and data flow chart with the source. As radio frequency cards with the advantages of combining computer systems, we create a new computer performance appraisal system which will replace the traditional performance appraisal system, become an inevitable choice for enterprises attendance.

Keywords: Attendance System; Radio frequency cards; HardWare;SoftWare;Safe

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 赣州市公交司机考勤系统开发设计的背景 1

1.2 公交司机考勤系统的国内外现状及课题来源 2

1.2.1国内现状 2

1.2.2 国外现状 2

1.2.3 课题来源 3

第二章 公交司机考勤系统总体设计 4

2.1 考勤系统硬件结构设计 4

2.1.1 考勤系统硬件的功能要求 4

2.1.2 考勤系统设计模块图 4

2.2 考勤系统软件设计 5

2.2.1 下位控制机软件的功能 5

2.2.2 上位管理机软件的功能 5

2.3 考勤系统计算机与考勤机通讯协议 8

2.3.1 CRT286C指令结构定义 8

2.3.2指令结构中的通信控制字符说明 8

2.3.3指令结构中的用户数据块即“DATA”中所包含字符说明 9

2.3.4指令结构中的校验和即“CHK”数据校验范围说明 9

2.3.5 通信协议 9

第三章 考勤系统硬件系统组成及读写器实现 11

3.1 IC卡 11

3.1.1 Mifare l非接触式IC智能射频卡特点 11

3.1.2射频IC卡片的组成和存储结构. 11

3.2 IC卡读写器 12

3.2.1读写器读取卡片扇区某数据块指令 12

3.2.2 写卡命令 13

3.3 用户界面功能实现 14

第四章 考勤系统软件设计 16

4.1 考勤管理系统用户界面图 16

4.2 系统考勤处理流程图 16

4.3 数据库设计 18

4.4考勤管理主要程序代码 20

4.4.1 员工考勤审核 21

4.4.2 员工考勤统计 22

4.5 用户界面功能实现情况 25

4.5.1卡片信息处理 25

4.5.2考勤管理 26

4.5.3工资管理 29

4.5.4其它 29

第五章 考勤系统的可靠性和安全性研究 30

第六章 总结 32


