



摘 要



Protection of Southern Song Dynasty in Hangzhou city


This paper used the protection of old city in Hangzhou Zhongshan Road as an example, discussed the protection of old city from the view of the urbanization of city. Based on the discussion of the protection of historical blocks and the history, this paper analyzed the protection of old city of Southern song dynasty in Hangzhou. The protection includes effect and culture of old city of Southern song dynasty. This paper combines the problems and experience of the protection of old city of Southern song dynasty, and brings forward the strategy for the protection of old city of Southern song dynasty. And by a more in-depth research, the paper puts forward the model of protection and the implementation way of protection for old city in Hangzhou.

Keywords:urbanization ; protection of the old dynasty city ;Southern song dynasty old city ; the emperor’s street of Southern Song dynasty

目 录



目 录III

1 绪 论1

1.1 研究背景与研究意义1

1.2 国内外古城保护概述1

1.3 主要内容及研究方法2

1.3.1 主要内容2

1.3.2 主要研究方法3

2 杭州古城保护概述3

2.1 历史街区保护3

2.2 古建民居保护4

2.3 历史文化保护5

2.4 小结6

3 杭州南宋古城保护6

3.1 南宋古城的历史沿革6

3.2 南宋古城保护的意义8

3.3 中山路改造工程8

3.3.1 街区历史资源和价值9

3.3.2 改造依托理论10

3.3.3 分段改造方案11

3.3.4 南宋御街改造15

3.3.5 改造优势分析28

3.3.6 改造劣势分析29

3.3.7 改造工程总结29

3.3.8 后续改造建议30

3.4 小结31

4 杭州南宋古城保护经验与策略分析31

4.1 杭州南宋古城保护存在的问题31

4.2 杭州南宋古城保护经验与教训32

4.3 杭州南宋古城保护与开发策略33

5 结论33

5.1 杭州古城保护模式33

5.2 杭州古城保护实现途径34

5.2.1 完善古城保护法律体系34

5.2.2 强化古城经济运行机制35

5.2.3 提高古城保护社会参与度35

5.3 未来的研究方向35

致 谢36

