

论文编号:WHCY011 论文字数:13162,页数:18 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述




关键词:韩国;中国 ;网络游戏产业;启示

The Inspiration Of South Korean’s Success In Online Games Trade To China

ABSTRACT :This thesis carries on the research of the evolution path of the industry of the network operating system functionality game and regards that as the theory basis tostudy further with reflecting the related theories about the network economy,information industry and creativity industry. After that,the definition and classification of network game is elaborated and a sketch of the development process of the industry of the net game in domestic and international and the development situation of Koreaand china is given.

From the beginning of the century,the true first network game in China is developed.With the market booming,funds accumulating,competitors entering andthe number of the costumers increasing multiply,the industry chain urged by the game operator,game outlet company and telecommunication operator and the customer(game player)is rapidly formed at present.

Although the net game industry is not recognized,it has been playing the

important role in the national economy。The net game has a big negative effect

because of its characteristics and the operator’s shortsighted behavior of purchasing short-term profits.The government should supervise and lead it by

Standardizing Market with the law and the institute and leading the market with

the healthy ideas.at the meantime,the independent innovation of the net game industry should be encouraged the Chinese traditional virtues culture carried

forward to guarantee the net game market of our country develop healthy and steadily.

Key words: South Korean; china; Online Games Trade; Inspiration

目 录

前 言4

第一章 中韩游戏产业概况5

第一节 韩国游戏产业发展概况5

第二节 中国游戏产业发展概况5

第二章 中韩游戏产业环境以及优劣势分析6

第一节 游戏产业环境分析6




第二节 中国游戏产业优劣势分析9

第三章 中韩游戏成功范例对比讨论9

第一节 韩国成功游戏案例9

第二节 中国成功游戏案例10

第三节 结论11

第四章 我国游戏产业发展的建议11

第一节 政策环境11

第二节 人才队伍的建设12

第三节 产业结构的调整13

第四节 发挥民族文化优势自主创新14

第五章 结论与展望16


