


摘 要:随着媒体技术的发展,现代媒体的形式变得多种多样。面对现代媒体实时便捷、智能可控、交互参与等优势,传统印刷在时效性、信息量上存在严重不足,使得传统印刷受到极大地影响,市场变得越来越小。



Abstract: With the development of media‘s technology,modern media have had a great variety of forms.Facing timely;convenient;intelligent;good interactivity and so on advantagements of modern media,traditional printing has a serious shortagement on the timeliness and amount of information,which have mad traditional printing suffering profound effect, the market becoming more and more smaller.

In this context, this article aimed at the age of 10-30 teenagers,adopt to questionnaire,researching the information and so on research forms and through analysising the mobile media,LED media,internet media and so on specific cases to study modern medias’ influence to traditional priting.They are technical principle and communication infrastructure of modern medias,reasons;scale;trend of traditional printing, etc.The final results show :nowdays young people’s first choice of the sex ratio to printing media has been reduced to a third,to internet,mobile net;outdoor media has been increasing each year. The outlet of traditional printing,except for improvement and independence of own enterprises, technology and production,we should publish in digital publication predominantly and collaborate with more medias simultaneously to carry out the convergence of printing media and modern medias.

keywords: modern media;printing media;audience;traditional printing;digital


目 录

摘 要I


目 录III

1 绪论1

1.1 研究的背景1

1.2 研究的基本内容与意义1

2 研究对象概述3

2.1 媒体3

2.2 印刷媒体3

2.3 现代媒体4

3 现代媒体技术对传统印刷的影响6

3.1 现代媒体的技术依托6

3.2 数字出版媒体7

3.3 LED媒体11

3.4 其他现代媒体14

4 现代媒体技术对传统印刷影响的研究19

4.1 传统印刷受影响的原因19

4.2 传统印刷仍保持的优势20

4.3 对青少年的调查结果分析21

4.4 传统印刷的对策与未来趋势23

5 结论与展望25

5.1 结论25

5.2 展望25

致 谢27


附 录30
