





Abstract: people are printing more and more high quality requirements, quality control of printing data, standardization and standardization of the printing industry to become large producers, operators and Consumers are generally concerned about the grip, the size of the density directly reflects the amount of light reflected how much, and thus can directly determine from the numerical depth of color, ink thickness, simple and easy to handle, suitable for printing production conditions and process control In particular, the printing process of the macro-control is better.

Therefore, this issue of the impact of density on the printing quality, experimental program to determine, in the measuring process using the spectral density, measured print density, dot area, trapping rate, the data were fitted to analyze, to judge from the color of the data can be directly the depth of ink thickness. Guide production management right screening, to determine ink, exposure, balance, ink, printing dot gain can not be eliminated, but we should do to minimize and regulate in a reasonable range, while taking measures to compensate the adverse impact of increasing network and then control the printing quality of the actual printing to improve print quality and provide some basis. In the new industry framework for the technological capabilities to enhance and increase system capacity looking for the latest ways to solve the problem, but also for theoretical study through intensive testing and research to save time and cost. To achieve highly automated production printing industry, to enhance economic efficiency

Keywords: Density meter; trapping rate; dot

目 录



目 录III

1 绪论1

1.1 研究的背景和意义1

1.2 密度计的测量原理1

1.3 叠印率2

1.4 网点质量检测3

1.5 研究课题的提出及研究的主要内容5

2 实验方案6

2.1 实验目的和要求6

2.2 实验仪器、工具及材料6

2.3 分光密度计的原理6

2.4 实验步骤6

3 实验结果分析8

3.1 实验数据记录8

3.2 数据处理分析10

3.3 实验误差分析13

3.4 此实验的现实缺陷15

4 结论与展望16

4.1 结论16

4.2 展望16

