



关键词:柔性版; 制版; 数字化; 技术动向

Abstract: Flexography has obtained the considerable development in recent years. Supple version printing may pick the water used base printing ink is one environmental protection printing way, will not look like concave India such to have the very big pollution, will soften India‘s cost to be very inexpensive, prints the quantity also to be much bigger, regarding various exotic material suitable single sheet paper, the reel material may print, most suitable to make packing printing and each kind of label’s print. Flexible version making lithograph plates softens an India essential technological process, this process was deciding printing plates quality, is playing the decisive role to the print quality. This article unifies the current printing trade by the tradition production method to the digitization production method trend of development, the computer technology, the Laser Technology integrates unceasingly prints each production base, narrated the flexible version making lithograph plates crafts characteristic, has analyzed the computer direct making lithograph plates technology systematically in the flexible version making lithograph plates craft application, and described the flexible version making lithograph plates craft development trend simply.

Keywords: Flexible version; Making lithograph; Plates digitization;

Technical trend





1 绪论1

1.1 研究的背景和意义1

1.2 柔性版直接制版技术简介1

1.3 课题的提出与主要研究内容2

2 柔性版直接制版工艺4

2.1 柔性版印刷品原稿设计4

2.2 计算机直接制柔性版系统分类4

2.3 计算机直接制套筒印版技术分析6

2.4 计算机直接制柔印版工艺特点8

3 柔性版直接制版技术的应用研究10

3.1 当今CTP的市场及发展情况10

3.2 国内外柔性版直接制版技术的应用状况11

4 结论与展望16

4.1 结论16

4.2 展望16

致 谢17

