



常用数字调制方式有振幅键控、相移键控、差分相移键控、频移键控和正交幅度调制(QAM)。每一种调制技术在特定的工作环境中都有各自的优势和缺点。 由于QAM的高带宽效率而被广泛应用于有线和无线通讯中。当QAM误码性能的理论分析特别困难的时候,我们可以对其进行蒙特卡洛仿真。蒙特卡洛仿真需要产生大量的随机数据和高斯白噪声,按照一般的编程习惯,例如C或Fortran语言的编程,仿真编程通常都使用循环进行运算。然而,MATLAB是一种基于矩阵运算的编程语言,它的矩阵运算效率要远高于循环。因此,传统的编程方式并不能完全的发挥出MATLAB的效率。用矩阵运算替代循环能大大提高仿真效率。




Commonly digital modulation schemes are amplitude shift keying, phase shift keying, differential phase shift keying, frequency shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). Each modulation technique has its advantages and disadvantages in a certain working environment. QAM is widely used in wired and wireless communication due to its high bandwidth efficiency. In general, the error performance of QAM is obtained via Monte Carlo simulation, especially when analytical analysis is difficulty. A large number of random data and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) samples need to be generated. Iterations are often used as a programming habit of languages like C or Fortran. MATLAB however, is a matrix based programming language. It is more efficient in matrix computation than iterations. Therefore, the conventional programming using iterations results in long execution time. Simulation efficiency is greatly improved, when iterations are replaced by matrix computation.

This thesis starts with a general introduction of the research topic in chapter 1. Chapter 2 gives an introduction of QAM and its error performance analysis. In chapter 3, we look into general scenarios where execution time can be reduced by improvement in MATLAB programming. In chapter 4, a conventional 16QAM error performance simulation program is modified and improved. Comparisons show that the simulation time is greatly reduced. We also programmed a user-friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI) in MATLAB for easy execution and comparison. Conclusions are made in chapter 5.

Keywords: BER, Simulation efficiency, 16QAM, MATLAB





第1章 引言1

1.1 背景1

1.2 研究内容1

第2章 正交幅度调制(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)3

2.1 什么是QAM3

2.2 QAM调制3

2.3 QAM的解调与检测4

2.4 QAM的误码率性能5

2.5 正交幅度调整的优点与缺点6

第3章 MATLAB下如何对QAM仿真进行效率优化7

3.1 对仿真程序进行效率优化的必要性7

3.1.1 M文件简介7

3.1.2 循环向量化编程7

3.2 如何优化仿真效率及其步骤10

3.2.1 分析代码的运行状况10

3.2.2 循环矩阵化10

3.2.3 预先定义变量11

3.2.4 内存的管理12

3.2.5 其他方法介绍12

3.3 难以采用矩阵算法的类型13

第4章 利用MATLAB进行16QAM误码率仿真14

4.1 矩形16QAM的误码率和误比特率仿真程序改造14

4.2 程序效率比较16

4.3 程序效率比较结果17

4.4 MATLAB 图形用户界面编程18

第5章 结束语19



附录 源代码22
