

论文编号:YY361 论文字数:6374.页数:21

A Brief Summary of Techniques of ELT Classroom Management at the Primary School Level

Abstract: Nowadays, some primary school teachers do not pay much attention to their techniques in the classroom. There is no doubt that some sort of problems often occur in a daily classroom. In order to raise the awareness of English language teaching at the Primary School classroom, this study generalizes other authorities’ learning and deducts some effective techniques of ELT classroom management.
Keywords: techniques, classroom management, primary school


摘 要 如今,一些小学教师不太注重课堂上使用的技巧。毫无疑问,在日常的课堂中便经常出现各种各样的问题。为了提高小学英语课堂的认知度,本研究总结了以往一些权威人士的研究,归纳出一些行之有效的英语课堂教学管理方法。
关 键 词 技巧; 课堂管理;小学
摘 要1
Chapter One Introduction2
1.1 ELT Classroom Environment at the Primary School2
1.2 The Psychological Growth of the Pupil3
1.3 Rationale4
1.4 Objectives4
Chapter Two Literature Review4
2.1 Glasser’s Cooperative Learning4
2.2 Emmer, Evertson, and Anderson’s traditional classroom management5
Chapter Three Presentation of Techniques of Classroom Management6
3.1 Understanding the Pupils’ individual differences7
3.2 Earning Trust and Becoming a Good Leader in the Classroom8
3.2.1 Expert Power8
3.2.2 Referent Power9
3.2.3 Legitimate Power9
3.2.4 Reward Power10
3.2.5 Coercive Power10
3.3 Establishing an Effective Classroom Management Climate11
3.4 An Integrated Approach to Classroom Management12
3.4.1 Low-profile Classroom Control in Surface Behaviors13
3.4.2 Responses to Misbehavior in the Classroom14
3.4.3 Rewarding Appropriate Behavior16
Chapter Four Conclusion17
4.1 Limitations19
4.2 Implication19
