

论文编号:YY388 论文字数:7564.页数:21

Abstract: As one of the most important realistic writers in Victorian time, Charles Dickens has created lots of masterpieces. Analyzing his works is a good way to understand the author’s thoughts and feelings, especially his view about women at that time. The two important female images in Great Expectations are two typical examples of the women in Victorian times. They try to fight against the male-dominated world, and their complicated personalities are the result of the contradiction between the traditional morals and rebellion to the old world. Miss Havisham and Estella’s fight is a trial of finding a new life. It is also the pullulation of women’s revolution. In Dickens’s eye, marriage should not become the shackles to bondage the female, and women should walk out of the family and find their own values. This paper is aimed to analyze the two females’ characters and the cause of their formation, in the hope that readers will have a brief impression about the social status and life conditions of women in that time.

Key Words: Great expectations; female status; Charles Dickens; Morals in Victorian time

摘 要:作为维多利亚时期重要的现实主义作家,查尔斯·狄更斯把他所有的思想和感受都倾注在作品中。研究他的小说可以更好得认识作者对于人生的感悟和想法,特别是他对于当时女性地位的看法。《远大前程》中两位重要女性形象就是维多利亚时期典型的女性代表,她们开始尝试对抗男性主宰的世界,而她们复杂的性格和个性是传统道德和对旧世界反抗的矛盾斗争的结果。郝维仙小姐和爱斯黛拉德斗争行为也是为了寻找新的人生的一种尝试,是女性解放思想的萌芽。在狄更斯的眼中,婚姻不该成为约束女性的枷锁,女人应该走出家庭,找到自己真正的价值所在。本文将通过介绍两位女性形象的性格特征,以及对其成因的分析,使读者更加了解当时社会的女性地位和生活状态。
关键词: 《远大前程》; 女性地位; 查尔斯· 狄更斯; 维多利亚时期道德观


Introduction 1
1.The background of creation of Great Expectations2
1.1 The Brief Overview of Dickens's Life2
1.2 The Creation of Great Expectations3
2.The Character and Personality of the Two Main Female Images in the Novel5
2.1 The Analysis of Miss Havisham's Character5
2.2 The Introduction of Estella's Personality5
3. Reasons and Causes of Formation of Their Characters6
3.1 Family Background 6
3.2 Life Experiences 7
3.3 The Era and Social Background 10
3.4 The Moral and Human Natures 11
4. Conclusion 14.
Bibliography 17
