

论文编号:YY363 论文字数:6722.页数:31

A Brief Study of Interpersonal Meaning of Nine Sampled English Advertising Discourse

Abstract: The current study is focused on analyzing nine sampled English advertisements selected from magazines Time and Newsweek to demonstrate how the interpersonal meaning is realized in the advertising English and how the advertisers establish and maintain the interpersonal relationship with consumers. The study is based on Halliday’s conceptual framework of interpersonal meaning and other related research such as Li Zhanzi's work (2002) Interpersonal Meaning in Discourse. The analysis will be carried out from four aspects: person, mood, modality and evaluation. In the current study, it can be seen that the appropriate choice of the interpersonal elements will help the advertisers to gain better effect which attract the readers/potential consumers and persuade them to take action to purchase the product/service.
Keywords: English advertising, interpersonal meaning, person, mood, modality

摘 要 韩礼德(1973)创立了系统功能语言学(简称SFL),并且提出了语言的三大元功能,即概念功能,人际功能,语篇功能。人际意义是系统功能语法的核心功能之一,近年来这一领域的研究有很大的发展,如马丁(Martin,2000)建立了“评价系统理论”,李战子(2002)对话语人际功能的全面研究等等。本论文将从《时代》,《新闻周刊》选取九篇广告文本,通过运用这些理论成果, 分别从语气、情态、人称和评价系统四个方面对广告文本进行对比分析,探讨这些人际意义在广告语篇中是如何实现,以及广告设计者是如何运用人际意义吸引说服潜在消费者。通过本文的分析,我们可以看到选择适当的人际意义要素,能够使广告商与读者之间更好的交流,从而取得更好的广告说服效果。
关 键 词 广告话语;人际意义;人称;语气;情态

摘 要1
Chapter 1 Introduction3
1.1 Research background and situation3
1.2 Objectives of the study4
Chapter 2 Literature Review5
2.1 Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL)5
2.2 Interpersonal Meaning5
2.3 Some other theories on interpersonal meaning6
2.3.1 J. R. Martin's Appraisal System Theory6
2.3.2 Li Zhanzi’s Interpersonal Meaning in Discourse7
Chapter 3 Data collection and methods of the current study7
Chapter 4 Presentation of Sampled Scripts and Analysis8
4.1 Person system8
4.1.1 Interpersonal meaning of the first person pronouns9
4.1.2 The interpersonal meaning of the second person pronouns11
4.1.3 The combination of the first and second pronouns11
4.1.4 The interpersonal meaning of the third person pronouns12
4.1.5 Conclusion12
4.2 Mood12
4.2.1 Speech role12
4.2.2 Mood system13
4.3 Modality system16
4.3.1 Types of modality16
4.3.2 Interpersonal meaning of modality in advertising discourse17
4.4 Evaluation19
Chapter 5 Conclusion20
5.1 Summary20
5.2 Limitations21
5.3 Implications22
