

论文编号:YY367 论文字数:6202.页数:20

A Comparison of Development of Parody Movies in America and China

Abstract: A parody imitates a work of art, literature, or music for the purpose of making playful fun or a joke of the original work. It was first used as a rhetorical means in literature. Later, it was also applied to different genres, such as cartoon, music, advertisement, and movie, etc. Parody is easily found in daily life.
Parodies have a long history in both East and West. Parody movies are popular in America. Parodists are free to express their view on different aspects or problems of the society. Although the parody movie industry is not mature in China and it has aroused controversy, it is spreading quickly and has increasing influence on the society, particularly in the aspect of politic and traditional values.
This paper gives an analysis of parody used in both America and China.
The paper intends to look into how parody movies provide humor, and to understand how it developed, and its social influence. The ideas in this thesis enable readers to better understand Western culture and Chinese cultural values.
The movies concerned include Shrek series, Hoodwinked! and The Simpsons in America and Stephen Chow’s Movies , Crazy Stone in China.
In the introduction, a definition and background of the parody movie will be given. It will also explore different views on this issue. The body will cover different ways of creating humor in the movies and how they poke fun at the issue intended to express the parodist’s ideas. The impact on people is included.
Keywords: parody, egao, traditional value, deconstruction, infringement


摘 要
本论文旨在通过对中美两国电影中的仿拟现象进行对比,通过中国网上恶搞视频《一个馒头引发的血案》在中国引发的恶搞热潮引出仿拟现象在国内外电影的应用,如中国电影《疯狂的石头》,周星驰无厘头系列电影,以及美国电影Shrek, Hoodwinked,The Simpsons等。本文研究幽默等技巧的运用及在作品中是如何体现,并比较中美两国电影对仿拟的运用有何不同。通过分析,了解这些表现手法对人们产生的包括价值观等方面的影响。
关 键 词 仿拟电影; 恶搞; 传统文化; 解构; 侵权
摘 要1
1.1 Definition: Parody3
1.2 Parody Movie4
2 Literature Review5
2.1 Parody Phenomenon in America and China5
2.1.1 In America5
2.1.2 In China6
2.2 American and Chinese People’s Attitude towards Parody9
3 The Popularity of Parody Movie11
3.1 Features of Parody Movie:11
3.2 Reasons for the Emergence and Popularity of Parody Movie:13
4 The Impact on Culture and Future Development15
4.1 About Copyright15
4.2 Future Development17
5 Conclusions and Implications18
