

论文编号:YY365 论文字数:8339.页数:29

Junior Middle School English Classes on the Basis of the New Curriculum Reform

Abstract: China’s entry into WTO marks a new era, which also speeds up an increasingly urgent demand of students majoring in English in China, but the English Language Teaching (ELT) in China is not efficient enough to meet this demand. To renovate the traditional educational modes, the new curriculum reform of the basic education resulted in experimental districts and has been being popularized around the whole country in these years. The New English Curriculum Standards (2001) focus on developing the students’ integrated language competence involving the students’ active participation,interactive learning ability, and communicative skills.
The new curriculum reform advocates cooperative learning. Cooperative learning, as a new effective teaching approach, is one of the dichotomy topics in ELT today. Cooperative learning provides a means for educators to positively influence communicative skills and academic outcomes for students receiving special education activities based on cooperative learning group to facilitate student motivation and active participation in the classroom. Cooperative learning promotes individual accountability, learning retention and positive social interactions. It is very helpful to ELT.
The cooperative learning practice has been making a series of changes and modifications in the EFL context in China. In the sense, it should be incorporated into the local context. This thesis discusses and probes the tenets of cooperative learning, as well as its implementation in ELT on the middle school level in Shenzhen from the perspective of the new curriculum reform. In addition, some of the problems involved in the implementation of cooperative learning with concerns about the background diversity between east and west are discussed, to match our classroom on the middle school level in Shenzhen.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, New Curriculum Reform, Interaction, Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Junior Middle School English Classes

摘 要中国加入世界贸易组织后,国内对英语人才在数量和质量上的要求不断提高。然而我国现有的英语教学方式和水平却跟不上需求增长的步伐。为了革新传统的教学模式,这几年在一些试验地区试行基础教育新课程改革,并且很快地在全国普及起来。2001年颁发的《新英语课程标准》主要培养学生综合语言能力,其中包括了学生的参与能力,互动学习能力,以及交际技巧。
关 键 词 合作学习;新课程改革;互动性;合作学习在初中英语教学

摘 要2
Chapter 1 Introduction4
1.1 Backgrounds4
1.2 Objectives and Rationales of the Study6
Chapter 2 Literature Review7
2.1 Theoretical Basis7
2.1.1 Constructivism Theory8
2.1.2 Goal Structure Theory9
2.2 The Concept of Cooperative Learning10
Chapter 3 Cooperative Learning Based on the New Curriculum Reform11
3.1 The Target of the New Curriculum Standards11
3.2 Perspectives of Cooperative Learning Based on the New Curriculum Reform12
Chapter 4 Implementation15
4.1 Elements of Cooperative Learning15
4.2 Structural Approaches of Cooperative Learning18
4.3 Three Assumptive Samples of Cooperative Learning Structural Approaches in the Junior Middle School English Classes20
4.3.1 The design of the samples20
4.3.2 The procedures of the samples20
4.4 Problems Confronted23
Chapter 5 Conclusion25
