

论文编号:YY392 论文字数:5500.页数:16

Abstract: Norman Mailer is one of the greatest novelists in the contemporary United States. He devotes all his life to literary works and never stops writing. He wrote a number of well-known excellent works, of which The Naked and the Dead published in 1948 made him become a well-known novelist overnight. In the published year, the sales of the Naked and the Dead topped the list of best-selling books for as long as three months. As an example of one of World War II literature, the Naked and the Dead had a vivid description with its delicate style, the natural and social reality of the profound revelation of the United States on the post-war political, economic and social psychology. The Naked and the Dead draws upon the author's battle experiences in the Philippines. In this novel, the author depicted the violence of marginalized characters, whom the author referred to are the Jews, women and soldiers, by using abusive and vulgar language. This paper is aimed to explore the impact of social factors at that time through analysis of these characters.
Key Words: Norman Mailer; The Naked and the Dead; Jews; women; soldiers

摘 要:诺曼·梅勒是当代美国伟大的小说家之一。他一生驰骋文坛,笔耕不辍,出了多部脍炙人口的优秀作品。在梅勒的诸多作品中,使他一夜成名的当属1948年发表巨篇巨著《裸者与死者》。出版的当年,《裸者与死者》的销售高居全国畅销书目的榜首长达3个月之久。 他以二战为大体背景及巡逻兵参加菲律宾战役中的著名莱特岛之战的经历为具体背景,作为《裸者与死者》的作素材,小说为我们呈现了一幅血腥的画卷。在这部作品中,作者对边缘性人物进行了暴力性书。 在作品中, 作者所指的边缘人物是指犹太人,女人及士兵,并且从作品中可以感受到当时社会因素的影响。

关键词:诺曼·梅勒 ;裸者与死者 ;犹太人; 女人 ;士兵

1. Depiction of Violence of the Marginalized Characters4
1.1 Depiction of the Jewish4
1.2 Depiction of the Women5
1.3 Depiction of Soldiers as Supplementary Description7
2. Reasons for Such Depiction8
2.1 Social Background8
2.2 Earlier Life Experience of Marginalized Characters9
2.3 Make a Difference in Writing10
3.4 Let Women Re-examine Their Status10
3. Conclusion11
