

论文编号:YY260 字数:9774.页数:27,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译译文

A Study on Irony under the Framework of Relevance Theory:
a Case Analysis of Pride and Prejudice

Abstract: The thesis would take the dynamic research on irony, irony from the literature works in particular, within the framework of Relevance Theory and prove the rationality and feasibility of understanding irony especially understanding the non-researcher fabricated language materials.
The Relevance Theory holds that verbal communication is a process of mutual manifestness; the hearer intends to interpret the speech through inference and contextual assumptions. According to Sperber and Wilson, the Echoic-interpretation Theory of irony defines irony as a multiple echoic interpretive use, in which the speaker and the hearer dissociate them from the opinion echoed and the opinion always accompanies with ridicule or scorn. Irony is a significant feature in Pride and Prejudice and the using of irony not only creates characters’ personalities, reveals the theme but also makes the story much more humorous and witty. In order to prove Sperber and Wilson’s account of irony is a much more reasonable cognitive-pragmatic foundation, this thesis would take some typical examples from Pride and Prejudice, and analyze irony in these examples from macro and micro view. What’s more, the analysis can also to prove that interpreting irony under the framework of Echoic-interpretation Theory in almost all cases is reliable and plausible.
Key words: Relevance Theory; Echoic-interpretation Theory; irony; Pride and Prejudice



目 录

1. Introduction1
2. Literature review2
3. Theoretical basis of the research4
3.1 Main points of Relevance Theory4
3.1.1 Notion of relevance4
3.1.2 Principle of relevance5
3.1.3 Cognitive environment6
3.1.4 The ostensive-inferential process6
3.2 Verbal irony7
3.2.1 Echoic-interpretation Theory of irony7
3.2.2 Types of the source echoed8
3.3 Summary9
4. Analysis of irony in Pride and Prejudice9
4.1 Brief introduction of Pride and Prejudice9
4.2 Macro-analysis of irony in Pride and Prejudice10
4.2.1 Analyzing irony for highlighting the theme10
4.2.2 Analyzing irony for manifesting the features of characters’ personalities13
4.3 Micro-analysis of verbal irony in Pride and Prejudice14
4.3.1 Direct and immediate echoes15
4.3.2 Echoes of real and imaginary attributed thoughts16
4.3.3 Echoes of norms and standard expectation17
5. Conclusion18
Work Cited19
