






本系统软件在快速应用程序开发环境Keil C51下编制。程序调试结果表明,程序设计方案是可行的,实现了数据采集处理显示的功能,具有较好的实时性和可靠性,有一定的实用价值和前景。



DC millivolt millivolt level table for the accurate measurement of small signals, Used in experimental testing, production testing and maintenance of the use of. Among them, the DC millivolt table testing is often used in the experiment, the thermocouples used to measure the thermal resistance of such sensitive components of the small-signal detection.

With the industrial and technological progress, by the DC-mV single-chip control table has been broadly applied to all walks of life, and More diverse functions, the use of more convenient, reliable, and much higher accuracy, And measuring DC voltage, current and resistance. In particular, micro-computer technology with the rapid development of computer giant from the past can be reduced to measuring instruments can be placed, and as the instrument controller, memory and computing devices, and its role with intelligence. DC millivolt table is commonly used measuring instruments, the use of digital manipulation can make a more intuitive, and fast response, is an ideal measurement tool millivolt range.

This paper describes the system structure and working principle, to build a DC mV meter hardware and software system design of data acquisition and processing and display part of the process. Hardware circuit by signal amplification circuit, A / D converter, microcontroller and display components, software design is the data acquisition, processing and display programming. The entire system following the completion of the process operation, that is, the output from the signal source of the mV-level voltage signal after amplification module for A / D conversion, carried out by the single-chip data acquisition, processing, and then through a keyboard display interface chip control, translation Code to send LED display driver.

Weighing system which is described by this article is centers on singlechip AT89C52. The amount of material is sensed by weighing sensor, adjusted by signal adjusting circuit, sent to AD conversionv card, then data collection and deal with by computer. Finally the result will be display by LED with the help of keyboard display interface CMOS chip HD7279

The system software is based on developed under rapid application development environment Keil C51. Experimental results indicate that the design of this system is feasible, and the system not only has good real-time characteristic and reliability, but also has practical value and popularizing prospect.

Key word: DC mV Table; Display instruments; Single-chip data; Processing and collection

目 录

摘 要I


1 课题内容及总体设计方案 3

1.1 课题主要内容 3

1.2 课题研究方案 3

2 直流毫伏表的硬件电路4

2.1 单片机的种类4

2.2 信号放大的作用及其重要指标4

2.3 A/D转换及其重要指标6

2.4 信号处理与通讯7

2.5 系统存储器扩展7

2.6 LED显示的原理8

2.7 复位电路的设计9

2.8 单片机与PC机接口电路10

3 软件开发工具的介绍11


3.1.1 项目管理11

3.1.2 集成功能11

3.1.3 C51 工具包的安装12

3.1.4 Keil C51 工具包各部分功能及使用简介12

4 主程序流程与编程思想14

5 数据采集与处理部分的程序设计16

5.1 MAX132 AD转换芯片的引脚功能与编程17

5.2 MAX132 AD转换芯片串行协议18

5.2.1 读串行数据的编程19

5.2.2 命令输入寄存器0的编程思想20

5.2.3 命令输入寄存器1的编程思想22

5.2.4 输出寄存器的编程思想22

5.2.5 冲突位警告微处理器23

5.3 MAX132 AD 延时程序的设计23

5.4 结果输出与数据处理程序25

6 数码管显示部分的程序设计27

6.2 HD7279A引脚功能与编程27

6.3 HD7279A的数据接收程序29


6.4.1 HD7279A方式0译码及其编程32

6.4.2 HD7279A方式1译码及其编程33

6.4.3 HD7279A方式2译码及其编程34

7 AT89C52单片机的功能35

7.1 AT89C52的性能简介35

7.2 单片机的存储器38

7.2.1 数据存储器38

7.2.2 程序存储器39

7.2.3 特殊功能寄存器39

7.3 定时器39

7.4 AT789C52在直流毫伏表中的应用40

8 直流毫伏表的工作过程41

9 结 论42

10 致 谢43

11 参考文献44
