

字数:11164.页数:33 论文编号:TX103

摘 要





From the perspective of the economics,labour productivity growth has many theoretical research results, however , by mathematical models to analyse conditions of labour productivity growth , both of theoretical assumptions and preconditions are more crude. In this paper by the research of mathematical models of the Chinese labour population growth, the establishment of the Chinese version of the production function Cobb-Douglas and the using of Solow model, we obtain mathematical terms of labor productivity growth. We introduce the impact of the GDP and investment to the growth in labour productivity. It has been concluded that mathematical terms of labor productivity growth, and we use to artificially control labor productivity to grow. When labor productivity appears grown or negative grown, by increasing investment , we make it continue growing. But the growth period depends on incremental investment. Moreover , in the end of the paper we make Matlab achieve in graphics, and vividly describe the impact of investment on labour productivity.

From the existing labour productivity growth conditions, the paper concludes that adjusting of investment can change productivity. This conclusion is compared with the one that the relative growth rate of labour productivity greater than the rate of the initial investment increased the labour productivity. By controlling the investment it makes labour productivity increase, which is more workable and also more meaningful.

Keywords: Productivity,Mode of economic growth, Labor, Invest

目 录

第一章 前 言 1

1.1 经济发展与劳动生产率的增长 1

1.2 劳动力人口的增长与经济增长的关系 1

第二章 理论与基础 2

2.1 Cobb-Douglas生产函数 2

2.2 已有的劳动生产率增长的条件 3

2.3 该条件的弊端 4

第三章 对假设条件的再次研究 6

3.1 人口阻滞增长模型(Logistic模型 6

3.2 应用Logistic模型建立中国劳动力数量增长模型 7

3.3 运用Logistic人口增长模型的可行性分析 9

3.4 投资与产量的关系 10

第四章 计算新条件下的劳动生产率增长的条件 12

4.1 中国的Cobb-Douglas生产函数 12

4.2 后条件的阐述 12

4.3劳动生产率增长的新条件 13

第五章 实证研究和展望 17

5.1 关于调整s改变劳动生产率的实证 17

5.2 对于技术进步的定性分析 23

参 考 文 献 24

致 谢 25

附 录 26
