

字数:19131.页数:32 论文编号:TX109

摘 要


租赁管理是与租赁公司业务息息相关的,计算机在这方面的应用改变了原来的繁琐复杂手工制表,使该项工作变得简单,而有关的租赁管理网页更是层出不穷。本文将介绍如何在Microsoft .NET 框架上结合SQL Server数据库来组建一个租赁管理网页,本网页主要实现以下几种功能:

. 用户登陆及管理和系统的日常维护。

. 用户信息的发布,其中包括用户的求租与出租信息,用户亦有查询本人曾经发布信息的历史记录及中介方发送的反馈信息,在发布求租信息时有选择中介编号功能 (出于信息隐蔽性考虑,用户提供的联系方式只有中介一方及该信息的发送者可以看到,联系方式对于租赁双方是隐藏的)。

. 管理员登陆页面每个管理员(中介)分配一个中介编号,管理员具有查询用户所有信息,便于交易达成通过查询代理号可以获得代理用户资料。

. 中介根据出租企业所提供的出租物及求租人求租情况给予分配并给求租方和出租方发送反馈信息经过一番的权衡、使双方达成共识直到双方签定合同使得租赁交易成功,中介可从中提取交易额中一定比例的中介费。



As the fastly developement of the technology of computer hardware and software, the computer and accompanying equipments become comment during the middle and late period time of 1990s, and they enter into every social stratum, and are used in many kinds of area. They relieve people from lots of troublesome forth work, deeply forcing the developement of social productive force, optimizing the equipment of social resource, making the human society step into the new time.

Rental management is related to rental company business, and the applicationt of computer changes the troublesome drafting in hand before, and make it easier, and related rental management web is becomes more and more. This text introduces how to connect the Microsoft .NET grid with SQL Server database for building a rental management web, which includes these function:

User login and management, and system daily maintenance.

User information broadcasting, including the user rental required and rental information,user can search the history records he has ever broadcasted before, and the medium’s feedback information(Because of the conceal, benefit of information, only the mediumand the information sender can see the way of contacting information, the way of contacting is concealed).

Administrators login and management page layout, administrator allocated agency serial number.administrator have the right of inquire about the information of user convenient for the business success,the inquire about administrator serial number he can inquire about all user information.

Medium assigns basing on the hired things that company affords, and the conditions of rent-finder providing, and gives the feedback information to rent-finder and renter. After comparing, the medium make both two agreement, until they sign a contract, and exchanging successfully. And medium can get the a proportion to the fee from the exchanging fee.

Key words :rental management;rent-finder;lender;rental medium

目 录

引言 1

1 背景 4

1.1 租赁的概述 4

1.1.1租赁的产生与发展简述 4

1.1.2租赁的基本业务程序 9

1.1.3租赁合同的签订 11

1.2 租赁的发展历史 14

1.3 租赁网的应用 16

1.3.1用计算机管理项目的优点 16

1.3.2基本结构工作原理和功能 16

1.4 租赁的发展方向 17

1.5 租赁网的开发 18

2 需求分析 19

2.1 问题定义 19

2.1.1系统流程图 20

2.1.2数据流图 20

2.2 对系统的综合要求 23

2.2.1功能要求 23

2.2.2运行工具的性能及运行要求 23

2.3 需求分析的基本过程 24

3 租赁网设计 24

3.1 开发流程及系统初框图 24

3.2 功能及界面 25

4 结论 30

谢 辞 31

参考文献 32
