

论文编号:RN026 论文字数:13273,页数:32


摘 要



关 键 词:循环流化床 锅炉 运用 运行问题


Title: The application of CFB boiler & the problems when course


Circulating Fluidized Bed boiler is one of the high-efficient, low-pollution & general using technology, it has developed since 1980s, because its’ unique superiority with adapting more kinds of coal & strong changing burthen ability & low pollutant egesting, so the CFB boiler developed very fast. The development of elements and the procedure to decoke for CFB boiler bring benefit for society and economy.

This article introduces the normal structure of CFB boiler; Meanwhile expound the CFB boiler’s technique trait such as low-temperature burn, solid materiel fluidized circulating accompany high thickness & high intensity & high flux. This article also explain the CFB boiler’s merit, for example, burning efficiency, to decoke efficiency, NOX eduction, adapting more kinds of coal; And introduce the CFB boiler’s burning elements; At the last, the article emphasize the problems while CFB boiler working, such as not expedite of supply coal, heat surface abrasion, not expedite of withdrawal coal with withdrawal equipment, difficult for outlet dreg, and study the reasons of these problems & the disserve of these problems, giving the solve method.

KEY WORDS: CFB Boiler Application


目 录

摘 要III


目 录VII

1 绪论1

2 循环流化床锅炉的结构3

3 循环流化床锅炉的技术特点7

3.1 低温的动力控制燃烧7

3.2 高速度、高浓度、高通量的固体物料流态化循环过程7

3.3 高强度的热量、质量和动量传递过程7

4 循环流化床锅炉的优点9

4.1 燃料适应性广9

4.2 燃烧效率高9

4.3 脱硫率高9

4.4 氮氧化物排放低9

4.5 受热面不易出现结焦现象10

4.6 易于实现灰渣综合利用10

4.7 床内不布置埋管受热面10

4.8 燃料预处理系统简单10

5 循环流化床锅炉内的燃烧加工过程11

5.1 循环流化床锅炉内煤的燃料着火11

5.2 循环流化床锅炉内煤的破碎特性11

6 循环流化床锅炉运行中存在的一些问题13

6.1 给煤不畅13

6.1.1 给煤不畅的危害13

6.1.2 给煤不畅的解决办法13

6.2 炉内受热面磨损13

6.2.1 影响受热面磨损的主要因素17

6.2.2 炉内受热面磨损的危害17

6.2.3 炉内受热面磨损的解决办法18

6.3 回料器回料不畅19

6.3.1 回料器回料不畅的原因19

6.3.2 回料不畅的危害20

6.3.3 回料不畅的解决办法20

6.4 排渣困难20

6.4.1 排渣困难的原因20

6.4.2 排渣困难的危害20

6.4.3 排渣困难的解决办法21

7 结论与展望23

致 谢25

