

论文编号:RN004 论文字数:41200,页数:92 附CAD图


摘 要




关 键 词:工业炉; 节能降耗; “三高一低”


Title: Design and Applied Research of the continuous type heats metallurgical furnace with gas mixture


The continuous type heats furnace is an important craft to produce one of the equipmentses in the steel rolling profession.

The paper started on the industry stove‘s history, present’s condition and its development direction has made the statement, emphatically to industry stove‘s structure as well as industry stove’s operating duty, energy conservation technical change and “three high one low” theory introduction, then to the industry stove‘s supplementary equipment and the burner nozzle, the heat interchanger, the chimney and so on related structure and selected carries on the analysis statement. Then pushes the steel type heating furnace’s design calculation, including fuel combustion,the billet heating time,the furnace to determine the basic size,the heat balance calculation and the determination of fuel consumption,smoke extraction system calculation. This article designs the heating furnace is the triad pushes the steel heating furnace. It is divided into three parts, and warm for a period of heating period, for a long, hot for a period of time. It has manifested “three high one low” the theory in the design parameter choice, and carries on the narration to this heating furnace some technologies and the economic indicator.

Rotary hearth furnace using natural coke oven gas as main fuel。Rotary hearth furnace of this design approach of mechanical smoke exhaust. Stove smoke extraction system as a result of greater resistance, so the use of direct smoke smoke smoke form. Smoke extraction system in the design, the main resistance to the flue, the chimney of the calculation, the calculation of the resistance furnace, cooler-doped smoke machine selection and the selection and so on.

KEY WORDS: Industry stove Energy conservation “Three high one low”

TYPE OF THESIS: Design Report

目 录

摘 要I


目 录V

1 绪论1

2 加热炉的结构选择5

2.1 工业炉的发展史5

2.2 工业炉的基本类型5

2.2.1 火焰炉结构6

2.2.2 现代推钢式连续加热炉的结构10

2.3 .燃烧系统及其控制12

2.3.1 烧嘴及其分布12

2.3.2 燃烧控制技术12

2.4 排烟系统及辅助设施14

2.4.1 烟道14

2.4.2 烟囱14

2.4.3 换热器及其保护15

2.4.4 炉膛压力控制15

2.5 工业炉的节能15

2.5.1 工业炉节能的几个措施15

2.5.2 燃料炉的节能16

2.5.3 加热工艺设计节能17

2.5.4 结论18

2.6 推钢机的选用18

2.6.1 推钢机种类19

2.6.2 双机架齿轮齿条式推钢机结构及特点19

2.7 加热炉耐火材料的选用20

2.7.1 使用性能20

2.7.2 工艺性能21

2.7.3 加热炉内衬选材方案的评价22

2.7.4 结论23

2.8 工业炉的发展方向23

2.8.1 “三高一低”理论24

2.8.2 “三高一低”理论的技术基础24

3 加热炉参数设计与热工计算27

3.1 设计任务和背景27

3.2 燃料燃烧计算27

3.2.1 焦炉煤气和高炉煤气干湿成分转换27

3.2.2 计算混合煤气湿成分28

3.3 炉膛热交换计算29

3.3.1 预确定炉膛主要尺寸29

3.3.2 计算炉膛相关尺寸30

3.4 金属加热效率计算32

3.4.1 钢坯的均热时间及温度参数32

3.4.2 加热段炉气温度33

3.4.3 燃料利用系数及加热时间分布34

3.5 炉体结构尺寸计算37

3.5.1 炉子长度计算37

3.5.2 炉门数量和尺寸的确定38

3.6 炉膛热平衡与燃料消耗量计算40

3.6.1 炉膛热收入Q40

3.6.2 炉膛热支出Q40

3.6.3 炉膛热平衡与燃料消耗量44

3.6.4 炉子工作指标45

3.7 烧嘴的选用45

3.7.1 选择依据45

3.7.2 烧嘴类型46

3.7.3 烧嘴布置和烧嘴选型46

3.8 换热器设计计算47

3.8.1 已知数据47

3.8.2 设计数据47

3.8.3 设计方案47

3.8.4 设计计算47

3.8.5 结构设计50

3.8.6 确定换热器材质51

3.8.7 换热器运行经济指标52

3.9 空气管路阻力损失计算及鼓风机选择55

3.9.1 计算条件55

3.9.2 绘制空气管路系统图56

3.9.3 管路分段56

3.9.4 各区段空气流量、管道直径、规格及空气流速56

3.9.5 确定计算阻力损失的管路系统58

3.9.6 计算阻力损失58

3.9.7 鼓风机选择60

3.10 烟道及烟囱计算61

3.10.1 计算条件61

3.10.2 各段烟道断面尺寸确定62

3.10.3 计算各段烟气温度62

3.10.4 计算各段烟气流速63

3.10.5 阻力损失计算63

3.10.6 烟囱计算64

4 结论与展望67

致 谢69


附 录73
