







关键词: 改土归流 壮族文化 侬氏土官 存废

On Soil Zhuang return flow on the impact of cultural change

-- Guangnan, Yunnan Lennon‘s retention as an example the native officer

Abstract :Zhuang minority in Tiezhao in a substantial proportion of its cultural changes on the research of China’s minority culture is of great significance, as Guangnan Lennon‘s Zhuang in Daxing, Lennon’s native officer rule in the interpretation of the history of the Millennium The history of the Zhuang culture change long had a deeper impact.

Song, Lennon Song defeated anti-high-Dali, in order to strengthen Song Dynasty Quang Nam in the rule, then in the border region in the implementation of the Guangnan Chieftain system and using their own toast to rule Zhuang people, a minority Chieftain System in a long-standing policy of ethnic minorities, Lennon‘s family accumulated over its long-standing reputation, the region has become the toast, The native officer, but Chieftain system, there are many disadvantages, which also prompted Chieftain system in the course of development constantly changing, so soil flow under the policy implemented, and Lennon’s family from Chieftain become the native officer their dominant position in the change, soil improvement in the return flow to the Yunnan E shuertai before assuming has already begun , the situation only be changed Hongwu 28 years, Ellen Lang Fok, Mary Help of Christians because of the rebel court, reduced to being implicated-contractors, Soil return flow in Quang Nam officially began, Lennon‘s native officer rights have been greatly weakened, but really be repealed away, to the Republic of times.

This paper the native officer to Lennon’s retention of, for example, using literature research and empirical research, conducted on the four parts, including the return flow before Soil Culture Overview of the Zhuang ethnic group, Soil return flow on the impact of cultural change Zhuang, as well as to Zhuang return flow soil after the emergence of a new culture of change, a comprehensive exposition of the Soil flow under the impact of the Zhuang culture, and positive contribution to the far-reaching significance.

Key words: bureaucratization of native officers Zhuang culture Lennon’s native officer

Live and waste

目 录

引言 …………………………………………………………………………………………1

文献综述 ……………………………………………………………………………………1

研究方法 ……………………………………………………………………………………2

讨论与分析 …………………………………………………………………………………2


1.羁縻制的终结为侬氏土官的设立开辟了途径 ……………………………………3

2.侬氏土官的统治是一种封建的领主文化形态的延续 ……………………………4

3.广南二元结构的土官制是改土归流前壮族文化体系的表现 ……………………5

4.广南壮族文化在改土归流之前呈现一种封闭的文化形态 ………………………5

二、广南地区实施改土归流原因、过程 …………………………………………………6

1.土司制度的弊端动摇了侬氏土官的统治地位 ……………………………………6

2.侬氏土官的地位被削弱 ……………………………………………………………7

3.侬氏土官的废去 ……………………………………………………………………8

4.广南壮族文化在改土归流中徘徊前进 ……………………………………………9

三、改土归流对壮族文化变迁的影响 ……………………………………………………9

1.侬氏土官的废除结束了土官世袭的制度 …………………………………………10

2.侬氏土官的废除对壮族文化的发展起到了积极促进的作用 ……………………10

3.侬氏土官的废除促进了汉壮民族的融合 …………………………………………11

4.侬氏土官的废除使壮族文化由中心走向边缘 …………………………………12

四、改土归流之后壮族文化的新发展 ……………………………………………………13

1.侬氏土官废除之后壮族文化的新形态 …………………………………………13

2.广南壮族旅游文化的发展 ………………………………………………………14

结 论 ………………………………………………………………………………………14

参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………15
