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摘 要


现在的教学网络管理系统存在题目分发慢,文档交换不方便,师生交流困难等方面的问题。为了解决现有的这些问题,特开发网络课程网上答疑系统。 以实际应用为开发背景,运用软件工程原理和开发方法,采用当前网络开发主流技术,结合ASP和ACCESS数据库技术,设计并开发了一个基于B/S模式的网络答疑系统[3]。首先对开发系统进行了需求分析,得到系统功能需求、数据流图和数据字典。随后对系统进行了概要设计和详细设计,在概要设计中主要进行了系统功能模块划分,将系统划分为了管理员控制模块、教师控制模块和学生控制模块三大模块,其中管理员的权限包括对新教师和新学生的注册,对新管理员的注册和对实验题目的审批;教师的权限包括回答和管理问题以及常见问题发布和资源上传等,学生讨论结果的查看,回答学生提问;学生权限包括发布问题、评价问题答案,上传相关资料和向教师提问。概要设计中还进行了系统总体结构设计,系统数据结构设计等。详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行了功能测试,并对测试结果进行了分析,在总结、分析的基础上,指出了系统存在的不足及需要改进的地方,为今后开发类似系统提供借鉴和帮助。 本系统界面友好,操作方便,能够基本满足非实时答疑的要求。

关键词:网络课程,答疑系统 ,远程教育


WWW-based distance learning network approach is the main long-distance education model. It provides a series of teaching aids the function of networks is the future of teaching in one of the main direction of development. However, distance education at this stage there is still a great shortage, but also keep waiting for the perfect! Online Q & A system is a very important part of them, it can take on the task of teaching as part of the network to make up for the students in the exchange of e-learning deficiencies. Online Q & A system to resolve the network teaching this form of non-face-to-face teaching students with difficulties in communication between teachers, students and teachers to promote the adoption of a network of learning face-to-face exchanges, and further improve the system of modern distance education. This article on the WWW-based form of Q & A system and method are discussed, and gives practical solutions. Author background for the development of practical applications, the use of software engineering principles and development methods, the use of the current mainstream web development technologies, combined with ASP and ACCESS database technology, designed and developed based on B / S mode answering system network. First of all, the development system needs analysis, the system functional requirements, data flow diagram and data dictionary. Followed by a summary of the system design and detailed design, design in a summary of the main functional modules to the system, broken down into to the system administrator control module, teachers and students control module control module three modules, which include administrative privileges new teachers and new students to register for the new administrator of the registration and approval of the experimental subject; authority, including teachers and management, as well as answer frequently asked questions, such as publishing and upload resources, students discuss the results of the review, answered questions of students; the issue of student rights, including release to evaluate the answers to your questions, upload relevant information and questions to teachers. Also outline the design of the overall structure of the system design, system design, data structure. The detailed design of the main system database, including access to the realization of the main functions of the concrete realization of modular, modules, etc. to achieve the key code. Finally, system functional testing, and test results are analyzed, in concluding, based on the analysis, pointing out that the system deficiencies and areas for improvement, the development of similar systems for future reference and help. The system user-friendly, easy to operate, able to basically meet the requirements of non-real-time Q & A.

Keywords: network program, Q & A System, distance education

目 录

摘 要I


第1章 引 言1

第2章 软件结构概要设计3









第3章 系统功能模块的实现10





第4章 系统数据库设计10






第5章 系统实现关键技术17

5.1 图表、文件上载技术18

5.2 全文检索技术19

5.3 ZIP自解压19

第6章 结束语21

致 谢22

