

论文编号:JYX005 论文字数:18379.页数:28

摘 要





(1) 传统的“一块黑板,一支笔”教学形式存在缺陷。

(2) 将信息技术应用于课堂教学存在困难。

(3) 信息技术可以使小学语文课堂教学更有效。



With the rapid development and the increasing popularity of computer technology, Computer applications have penetrated into all fields, and is playing an increasingly important role in school education.

Ministry of Education, the new "language curriculum standards," pointed out that "language courses and language learning should be to broaden the field of application", Emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and application of modern scientific and technological means. Students in different content and methods of cross-cutting, penetration in the wide field of vision, improving learning efficiency, the initial access to a modern society need to practice the language capacity.

In recent years, computer information technology in language teaching in primary schools has been a great success .However, the application of the current status of language teaching in primary schools for the application of information technology is still insufficient. Although the information technology used in teaching a long time ago, and have achieved great development.

Through the study of the characteristics of information technology, the nature of language teaching in primary schools, the physical and mental development of the characteristics of primary school students, by analyzing the application of information technology to identify the difficulties in the application of information technology. How should we make of information technology with language teaching in primary schools was more effective.

The results of the study are as follows:

(1) The traditional teaching method "a blackboard, a pen," is flawed.

(2) There are many practical difficulties in the use of information technology in rural areas.

(3) Information technology can make classroom teaching.

Keywords: Primary language, Information technology, Teaching

目 录

摘 要I


第1章 引 言1

1.1 背景1

1.2 研究内容和方法2

第2章 信息技术的特点3

2.1 信息技术的定义3

2.2 信息技术的特点3

第3章 学习者分析4

3.1 小学生的身心特点4

3.1.1 小学生的认知特点4

3.1.2 小学生注意力的特点4

3.1.3 小学生记忆特点5

3.1.4 小学生的思维特点5

3.1.5 小学生性格和情感特点6

第4章 信息技术在小学语文教学中应用现状分析7

4.1 信息技术在小学的应用现状7

4.1.1 问卷调查的结果7

4.1.2 现状分析7

4.2 信息技术应用不当的弊端8

第5章 信息技术在小学语文教学中的应用9

5.1 信息技术应用的原则9

5.2 信息技术应用10

5.2.1 信息技术应用的定义和目的10

5.2.2 信息技术应用实践11

5.3 信息技术应用效果分析16

5.3.1 问卷调查16

5.3.2 结果分析17

第六章 结束语18

致 谢19


附录 调查问卷21


