

论文编号:FZ012 论文字数:11460.页数:20

摘 要:19世纪末20世纪初,女性主义的理论伴随着妇女运动一起出现。现代艺术和设计领域不断受到女性主义思潮的影响,现代女装设计也从先锋艺术中得到启发,在潜移默化中表现出女性主义的思想倾向。不同的女性主义派别,其观点也有不同侧重,并反映在不同风格的女装设计中。反对男权、提倡两性平等的主张在女装设计中具体表现为女装的中性化趋势。性解放的宣扬使女装设计呈现越来越原始的性吸引的衣着动机。理智的女性主义在客观上承认两性的差别,并认识到自身的特点和优势,而服装就将这些女性的优秀气质加以强调和表现。现在女性着装不是为了别人而着装而是为自己着装,这和设计师决定穿什么的传统设计观念不同,强烈的表现了后现代参与意识极强的女性主义思想。


English Abstract:The end of the 19th century and early 20th century, feminist theory, together with the emergence of the women‘s movement. The field of modern art and design continue to be the impact of feminist thought, the modern women’s design from the avant-garde art has been inspired to exert an imperceptible influence shown in the feminist ideological inclination. Feminist different factions, their views have different focus, and reflected in the different styles of women‘s design. The right to object to men and to promote the idea of gender equality in the design of a concrete manifestation of Women for Women’s neutral trend. So that the spread of the liberation of women’s design has to attract more and more of the original motivation of the clothing.

Feminist rational objective recognition of gender differences, and recognizing the characteristics and advantages of their own, while the clothing of these women will be emphasized that the excellent quality and performance. Now women dress not for others but for their own dress code, which is what the designer decided to wear the traditional design concept is different from the strong performance of the strong sense of participation in post-modern feminist thinking.

Key words:Feminism;Women Design;Sexual liberation

目 录

摘 要


前 言

一、女性主义的兴起与发展 ……(2)二、女性主义的主要派别及其艺术表现 (2)

三、女性主义在现代女装设计中的表现 (4)(一)女装的中性化演绎 (4)

1、男性权威在女装中的表现 (4)

(1)军服式女装及军装元素的运用…… ……(4)

(2)男式女西装 …… (5)



(2)风衣…… (7)(二)女性性解放在女装中的表现特征…(7)

1、透与露 …(7)

2、内衣外穿 (8)

3、虐恋… … (9)




3、女性的热情特质 …… (11)

(四)女性反传统的着装理念 …… (12)

1、女性自我参与设计的着装理念…… (12)




参考文献… (16)
